
Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Affordable Care Act, ACA

          Anyone who has read my blog knows my feelings as to the Affordable Care Act. Not only do I feel it will not work; but, also, I firmly believe a single payer national healthcare act modeled after Medicare will serve our nation’s needs much better. If for no other reason the ACA will quickly price itself out of the market, both on the public’s end and on that of the government.

          That having been said, I grow increasingly weary of all the thoughtless discussion of the subject. It blocks all the media, shadowing over (some maybe even more important) events in the news; and, in all fairness, rather than destroying the program through politicking and propaganda, we should just let it alone to follow its natural course, wherever that might end up. It will either work or it won’t. It’s either a bad program or a good one. In either event it should stand on its own merits which shouldn't be distorted by our intervention, which leads me to my next point.

          If I plan a wonderful vacation or long trip and the engine in my car fails, the fault of the engine failure notwithstanding, that failure certainly does not mean in any way that the trip was bad or wrong. In my mind, the thinking of these people when they talk about the computer glitches and program failures in implementing the Affordable Care Act defies all logic and understanding. People should keep their eye on the real subject which is how the program will work after implementation–not on the “blips” and “tweets” before it is even begun.

Ronald Miller 

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