
Monday, July 29, 2013

The State of Our Economy
Current news reporting notwithstanding, economically, as the rich among us become increasingly richer, our middle-class is disappearing and our underclass is rapidly expanding. Wages and income (in real terms) is decreasing, and the preponderance of our people is in debt up to their ears (personal as well as national debt). Real unemployment is exceedingly high with around twenty million (my best estimate) people out of work and jobs (and money) flowing profusely from our country to nations around the globe as we rapidly clamor to borrow it back. Many just cannot make ends meet. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of our people, go to bed at night hungry. Even more is on some form of welfare or another– our welfare roles have literally exploded. Then, lest we forget, there are the very many among us who are homeless. The standard of living for our economy as a whole is in long-term decline, a trend I anticipate will continue for many years, due to many contributing factors; and, as you might expect, worry, unrest, and discontent among our people is rampant. The sale of firearms and ammunition in our country has increased significantly, and the establishment of internment facilities and massive purchases of ammunition by our government’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), an agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is a matter of record (Ref: Does this surprise you? Did you already know what I’m saying to you? Well, I’m sorry, but it has been happening all around us and doing so for many years–from my viewpoint, over thirty. This is my synopsis of our problem(s) in a “nutshell” without all the political propaganda attached. The question is, what are we going to do about it? Just as important, when?
Isn't this enough to motivate a responsible citizen of this great nation to wake up and take an active part in government? We've been apathetic too long. Get hold of your Congressmen. Make them really represent you.

Ronald Miller

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