
Monday, July 15, 2013

Listen Up America!

Listen up, America! Listen to Old Ron. You are fiddling while Rome is burning! Don’t let the propagandists fool you. They have axes to grind and chess to play. They are running for election. You are their pawns. They have robbed you blind. They have robbed your children and your grand-children and your great grand-children and your….while they have grown rich. They are crying laughing all the way to the bank while you are being repossessed, you have lost your jobs, and many of you–far too many– are on the streets and your children are hungry. Then they have the audacity to call you lazy loafers, deadbeats, ne’re-do-wells, worthless, and not wanting to find a job. I say again, “Listen Up”! Do you think this is a bunch of bunk? You are under attack! Open your eyes. Have ears to hear and eyes to see. Read your newspapers. Listen to the TV news. Read between the lines. Look closely for their distortions, half-truths, misinformation, and omissions.  What they say is important, but what they omit has much to say, also. 

Having said that, do not believe everything they have to say. Do not believe everything I, Old Ron, have to say either. See for yourself. Always question everything. Question, study, and learn, but most of all, listen up. Be awake. The fate of your country is at stake.

Ronald Miller


  1. Ron, you are so right! One subtle factor that does affect how people can accept lies and misrepresentations is the decline in our public education. The top percentile are not "consumers" of public education overall as most are products of private schools. Thus reducing the quality of public education is part of the plan to eliminate critical thinking, independent thinking among our young people. In fact, the infamous Texas School Board proposed eliminating everything that smacked of critical thinking from its curriculum, thus affecting many other states since textbook publishers aren't about to produce whole sets of separate textbooks for each state. So while you and I shout "think about it" we are shouting to many who are unlikely to fact check anything, just take Faux Nuz commentators as gospel without question. Sigh.

    1. Thank you Beverly. I am not an educator, but one doesn't have to be one to recognize how ineffective our present educational system is when looking at high school graduates who can't read, write, or perform simple math. I'm sure I'll be having something to say about education in future blogs.

      Again, thank you.


  2. Replies
    1. Thank you for taking the time to read and reply to my blog. I look forward to your future participation.

