
Monday, July 22, 2013

My Country

Philosophies and ideologies aside, probably the greatest determiner of one’s quality of life is the country or nation in which one is born and raised. My country is the United States of America and I must tell you. I think it is the greatest country in the world (I confess. I have only visited three other countries [Japan six years after WWII, Korea during the Korean War, and Canada–I once visited Niagara Falls]). I think it is the greatest, my government tells me it is the greatest; and, therefore, it must be the greatest–I believe that. Politically, we are a democratic republic (are we?); economically, we are capitalistic and believe in a free market (really?); in terms of standard of living, we consist of 5% of the world’s population and consume 25% of the world’s production–all other countries of the world considered, that’s a really big piece of the total pie in spite of today’s economic condition; morally, well, as I said in the beginning, “philosophies and ideologies aside”. In total, my observations are that in all of these areas, we are going downhill rapidly. Will we come back? That is in the hands of you the people. Do you remember? “We are a government of the people, by the people, and for the people”. 

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