
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

About Me

Putting together my composition for today, I want to tell you something about myself.

In order to have gotten off to a “right start”, perhaps I should have told you in my very first posting; because, I think at least, it is one of the most important things I’ll ever say to you. It is the essence of who I am and what I believe. You can’t always tell to hear me talk, and you can’t always tell when you see me in person, contrary to what we are taught, but I firmly (if not always so fervently) believe in God. I have no doubt whatsoever about Him; and, also, I believe in His only begotten son, Jesus. That word, begotten, is important because His was a virgin birth.

Jesus walked the dusty streets of Israel just like any other man of his time. I can understand why so many people don’t believe him to be the son of God. If someone knocked on my door today and said he was Jesus, I wouldn’t believe him. I might be scared as “all get out”, but I wouldn’t believe him. What I can’t understand, on the other hand, is why people–anybody– wouldn’t want to follow His teachings–at the very least, try. Everything He says are words of love, forgiveness, peace, helping your neighbor, and so on. Arguably, our world may not be coming to an end anytime soon, but it is certainly sick, miserable, and in, oh, so very much pain. One may think he doesn’t need Jesus. One may not believe; but, he surely needs to follow His teachings.

I can’t know for sure, of course; but, if Jesus returned to this earth this very moment, I think He would be neither a Republican nor a Democrat, the protestations of the so-called right wing evangelicals notwithstanding.

But there is one thing I do know. When Jesus came to this earth and lived among us, He came to the people–all of us. He didn't come to just the elite, the rich, or the powerful; he came to the poor, the tired, the hungry, all of us–the masses. He dwelled among us; and, in His eyes and the eyes of God, we were all equal. Until the day He died, He showed his love for the people. His very life was a life of love. His death was a death of sacrifice and forgiveness. He preached love. He lived love. He died with love–for the people. He was no prude. He turned water into wine. When the woman was caught in adultery, He forgave her and sent her on her way (Unlike today, in those days adultery was a big deal, a very big deal. They stoned you to death. They really did.). The only time He ever lost his temper and struck out was when He chased the money changers from the temple. He abhorred lying, cheating, stealing, and hypocrisy. His whole life was dedicated to the masses–to love and honesty. My personal beliefs, my business beliefs, and my political beliefs are predicated on this, my many weaknesses notwithstanding. I’m human too–another need for Jesus.

Ronald Miller


  1. I think people were hoping to learn a little more about YOU!

    1. Thank you for your comment. I've just begun this blog and have been concentrating on my writing, but I will be developing a profile and picture in the near future. Again, thank you for your comment and interest.


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  3. I am enjoying your Blog posts please keep it up
