
Thursday, February 22, 2018

Enough Is Enough

Enough is enough! Our Great Nation was established by people with values, people who cared, not only for our country, but also for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Needless to say, the right to see our children murdered time after time before our eyes by Robber Barons who value profit over life was not part of the package (Yes, they are just as guilty as those who pulled the trigger. They are accessories after the fact to murder and they deserve to be held responsible) in the writing of our Constitution.

Also a matter of fact which is just as needless to say, neither was Party Politics and the rule of our Great Nation by the Corporatocracy and Power Elite covered under our Constitution. As Abraham Lincoln said, our nation is a nation of the people, by the people, and for the people. Nothing is said anywhere in our Constitution that we are to be ruled by the very rich and powerful or by kings, queens, or autocrats in any way, shape or form. Our elected representatives are legally responsible to represent the best interests of the people—all the people, and not just the Corporatocracy and Power Elite.

I’ve had enough. Enough is enough. We the people need to get off our behinds and take back our country. Our elected representatives must return to representing the people. The only way, and I mean the only way, we can take back our country is by taking money out of politics—out of campaign financing, and we must do it now—before the elections of 2018. Our U.S. Supreme Court has sold out our great country. Corporations are not people. They exist to serve us—not rule over us. Many of these corporations deserted us long ago and moved overseas so as to avail themselves of slave labor and avoid taxes. They care little if anything about our country. It’s long past time for us to hold them accountable.

If we take money out of campaign financing, we can then move forward toward gaining control over gun control; and, I think, successfully. We must rid ourselves of this Shadow Government ruling over us and our representatives through lobbyists and corruption, i.e. bribery, extortion, etc. If the grass roots, the voting citizens, of this country don’t take charge soon, it will be quickly too late to save us. Of course, I can’t say for sure but after 2018 may be too late. Vote for those who care about our country and our people—not just the rich and privileged.

In closing, I want to express my personal opinion on school teachers and police officers in this nation. As a whole I believe both professions to be among the most responsible and underpaid professions serving our people today. That having been said, and we want to add law enforcement to the responsibilities of our teachers? Also, we want to raise our children in a “hard” atmosphere as opposed to a “soft” atmosphere?  Do we really? Do we really want to rob our children of their childhood? Have we come to this? My God! Help us!

In the meantime, this is Ronald Miller at



1 comment:

  1. You are absolutely correct but many decades ago our nation turned into world looting thru wars and American's looting thru the IRS. Most Americans seem to be fine with this so nothing will change until they do. We have become a corrupted society that turns a blind eye to the criminality in which we live in. As written "live by the sword; die by the sword."
