
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

President Trump’s Executive Order—7 Nation Ban

Any accountant will tell you, “Debits on the left. Credit’s on the right”. Write them down! On the left are Debits, i.e. Assets, Benefits, Gains. On the right are Credits, i.e. Liabilities, Losses, Negatives. President Trump’s Executive Order, a 7 nation ban, a 90 day suspension, if you will, of refugees into our country within his very first days in office has proven to be a major mistake of governance from any way you look at it—a mistake in judgement, a mistake in strategy, and a  mistake in leadership.

What did we the people lose as a result of his executive order? The answer is a whole lot. Of “the various people who have, in fact, committed terrorist acts in this country, from 9/11 on, none of them came from any of the seven countries that are the subject of the president’s executive order”—that quote coming from Jerrold Nadler, former member of the U.S. House of Representatives from New York’s 10th District, in an interview with CNN on January 28th, 2017. In effect, this means that any risk from terrorism by the individuals affected by this ban was minimal if at all (Given the friction raised by the act that may no longer be true, however).

Second, given the risk involved as evidenced by my first statement above, in light of past history, how much more security did he achieve by a suspension of only 90 days? What did he really achieve by his order? Let me tell you. He achieved division—division of the people of our country and division from our allies. Aggravation, alienation and division are not positive traits of leadership. Rather, they are traits of poor management—not good business.

To date, the score is: Gains—0; Losses—1.

In the meantime, this is Ronald Miller, signing off.

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