
Friday, February 17, 2017


Before the inauguration of Donald J. Trump as President of our great nation on January
20th, I would (and did—more than once) have told you that the greatest problem confronting our nation was the loss of our democracy and our very sovereignty to the Corporatocracy and Power Elite ruling us through a Shadow Government of lobbyists, campaign contributions, bribery, etc. Be sure. That hasn’t gone away; that problem is just as great as ever. But, today, a greater, more immediate problem has jumped to the head of the line.

The division of our people, always a factor in our democracy, has literally exploded. More than ever, we are at each other’s throat. Arguably, we have not been this divided since the riots and rebellions at the beginning of the twentieth century. Today, however, there is a difference—a difference absolutely terrifying. Almost everybody has a gun. We have more guns than people.

What do I have to say—what can I say—to convince you that our greatest, most urgent, most immediate priority today is the unification of our people as a nation. Our nation cannot survive as we know it if we cannot remain unified. You have heard it before, “A nation divided cannot stand”; “All for one and one for all”. We need a leader, a leader who can lead; a leader who recognizes that this is not about him; a leader who recognizes that this is not about financial gain, a leader who recognizes that this is all about our people—all our people, the very survival of our nation.

What is a leader? Is it someone who tells others what to do, where to go, and when? Maybe, but I say this. In the final analysis, a leader is one who leads and others follow—not because they have been ordered to do so, but because they wish to do so. A leader is admired (even loved), respected, has integrity, is trustworthy, and knows what he is doing. He leads based upon what he knows—not what he feels. His people are proud to follow him. Chaos, confusion, and dissension are not part of his repertoire.

This nation has some tremendous challenges ahead, not the least of which is the direction we want to follow—not only where but how to get there. To be perfectly candid, this same old crap of reversing directions every four or eight years is not only stupid and myopic, but financially prohibitive. But, whatever we choose, forward or backward, we need a leader to take us there, and all the people (not just the Corporatocracy and Power Elite) should and must be the beneficiary. And, right now? We ain’t got one.

Let me know what you think. 

In the meantime, this is Ronald Miller, signing off.

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