
Monday, June 9, 2014

What Do We Do Now?

          I still cannot get out of my mind a past Sunday’s (May 11, 2014) broadcast of CBS’s Sixty Minutes. It was a re-run of a previous report some time back on which I commented then, too; but, this time, their report has had an even greater impact on my mind–perhaps because of more recent events. I am talking about Congressional abuse of campaign contributions, one use of which is for personal gain and pleasure through the use of loopholes in order to circumvent the law declaring such use illegal. The report of Sixty Minutes states that our Congress is, in effect, comfortable with the status quo. They don’t want to change. I’ll bet they don’t. It was said that one Congressman spent $500,000 on golf outings in Scotland in one year. This is just one example, so absurd, it is frightening; and there are many others. If I did this kind of thing, I would hide my head in shame. Shame! Shame! Shame! I couldn't look others in the face. I might, also, go to jail; but, like Elizabeth Warren said, “The only people in America today who go to jail are regular folks”.

          I believe the people, the people of this country, want reform–complete reform. I certainly do. They want campaign finance reform. They want tax reform; and, just as I believe this, I also believe the people want universal single payer healthcare (Which, I predict, they will get when their belly is full of the presently exorbitantly expensive, highly contentious, inefficient, confusing, and unaffordable so-called  Affordable Care Act), Social Security adjusted to current costs and living conditions, jobs (in this country) with livable wages, and a patriotic Congress that will work for the interests of the people and our country whom they were elected to represent rather  than constantly “feathering  their own nests” and political agendas as they are doing now, serving the Corporatocracy and Power Elite . We also need to get our financial house in order–all of us, the government as well as the people. We need to begin living within our means.

          How do we pay for this? We begin by everyone paying their fair share of taxes according to their ability to pay. We, our nation, can afford to pay for our needs–all of them, if we will only do it, if everyone will only do their part.

          This posting is titled ”What Do We Do Now?”. What do we do in our democratic republic (a government of the people, by the people, and for the people) when the government refuses to serve those whom it is sworn to represent? What do we the people do when our government turns its back on the needs and will of its people? I’ll make a suggestion. It is past time for us to become active. It’s time for us to take back our government. It’s time for us to become involved. If we all join together in a unified voice to our representatives through our letters, telephone  calls, opinion polls, and votes at election  time (Think November), we can do this. Our continued pacifism will only serve to get us more of what we have. We must remove those who do not represent our interests from office–those who represent the Corporatocracy and Power Elite, an oligarchy of which is anathema to a government of the people and to us. Rid us of Corporate Governance. Do it now! If they ignore you, don’t vote for them. They are not representing you.


Ronald Miller

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