
Saturday, June 28, 2014

Think About This

One’s religion, ideology, scientific, or any other view aside, it seems to me that one absolute and undeniable fact in life is that man exists on this earth. He exists; he’s here, and he is in charge of managing it and everything on it (or supposed to be). Therefore, it would seem to follow that all else would be for the benefit and support of him—mankind. Business came after man. It was created by man as a tool for his use and service in the conduct of his life. Whatever else you may believe, this is an absolute fact. Man is in charge of this earth.

Now, I’m going to get from fact to my opinion. Now, you have to choose. Man should govern business instead of, as it has very rapidly evolved, business governing man. Either the purpose of a business is to serve man or it is to make a profit for a few at the expense of all else, i.e. people, resources, and the degradation of the environment. What is your opinion? What is your choice? Should man control the tools, i.e. business, computers, and the robots; or, should the tools control the man.

When we allow an oligarchy of the Corporatocracy and Power Elite of the world (think Globalization) to govern us, we will have literally abandoned our Constitutional Rights as a citizen of the United States of America. We will have allowed our government to evolve from a democratic republic to that of an oligarchy. We will no longer be in charge. We will return, again, to a monarchy; but, this time, it will be different. The king will be a New King, and you won’t like it. On the surface, the discussion may seem academic. Below the surface, it is horrific. There is nothing academic about it. Just look outside and watch what is going on. For those with “eyes to see and ears to hear”, the answer is obvious if one is only willing to look.

Election Day is just four months away. I urge you. Vote! Everyone vote! Vote for freedom; vote for the interests of the people, the ninety-nine percent of us. Be careful of the candidates, who when the political pressure is on, will swing toward the money. Vote for those who care about what is best for our country. The issues aren't just taxes. In the long run, "Taxes buy civilization". Nothing is really free. The real issue is voting. Who is going to govern our nation—we the people or the Corporatocracy and Power Elite?

Ronald Miller

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