
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Management In Government

          We constantly hear, especially from the right, that government never does anything right. Leave it to government to screw something up (My mind goes back to a speech made by President Reagan in the early years of his administration). Is this really true? Do you really believe such an absurd statement? I certainly don’t. Just think about it. They, in effect, are saying I can perform better and more effectively, i.e. I can do a better job, in the private sector than I can, doing that same job, working in government.

This is absolute rubbish! Given qualified people, an efficient system, and competent management, just as good a job can be done in one place as in another. Government can and should perform and produce just as well and efficiently as any company in the private sector. Everyone should understand that; and, when government programs do fail, they fail either because of employee incompetence, flaws in the system, or lack of resources from inadequate funding or neglect–all just as solvable as they are in the private sector. When program failures are allowed to continue without correction on a timely basis, the problem is one of mismanagement. Whether a program is operated in the private sector or collectively through the government should be determined only based upon which approach is more efficient and cost effective, in the long run, for the good of the people. Single Payer Universal Access to Healthcare is a prime example.

It should be obvious to all of us that many of our government systems are in trouble. That isn’t because government is wrong. It is because of management incompetence in government. That condition doesn’t have to exist anymore in government than it has to exist in the private sector. Ultimately, these problems lie at the feet of those whom we periodically elect to office for the purpose of managing the affairs of our nation. What is needed is for them to do their job. That they are very well paid notwithstanding, too many of them continually fail to do so. They have sold out to the Corporatocracy and Power Elite.

Not only do they fail to do their jobs, but they never will unless it is in their interest; and it will not be in their interest until you, the responsible citizens in this democratic republic insist upon it. How can you do this? The answer is, take an active part in government. Read, study, keep abreast of what is going on in government, and by all means, vote. Also, stay in contact with your Congressional Representatives and Senators through telephone calls and letters. It’s your responsibility. Freedom demands responsibility. If you don’t you will continue to get more of what you are getting and conditions will continue to deteriorate and so will your freedom. Extensive changes in government must be made.

Ronald Miller

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