
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Where Do We Go From Here? Part 3

We have seen throughout history the courses and directions of the far left, i.e. Communism, Socialism, with their ultimate end (When I talk about Communism and Socialism, folks, I’m talking about real “isms”–not about the pejoratives touted by the ignorant and uninformed. Do let us be clear, however. Progressivism is not Socialism. Progressivism is not Communism.). It should and must be obvious we don’t want to follow their paths to self destruction. On the other hand, if we continue on the path advocated by those on the right, that too, will lead us to destruction. Mark my words. We will surely fail. The pudding is in the eating. Don’t let the propaganda fool you. There is no free market. It’s a lie, and gets to be more-so as the years pass. A market is only free as it plays out on a level playing field, completely free of influence or manipulation by the parties concerned. Generally speaking, the only place you will find that, a free market, is in a classroom or textbook–certainly not in the real world. If you believe otherwise, then you must believe, as they tell you, that the world oil market is such a free market, the price of which is the resultant effect of the interactions of supply and demand. Rubbish! Although supply and demand are certainly contributing factors, so also are speculation, price manipulation, and the control of supply through the manipulation of refineries by opening and closing them, holding ships offshore, etc. There is no free market. It is true. Believe it.

Laissez-faire capitalism is defined by Wikipedia, as an economic environment in which transactions between private parties are free from government restrictions, tariffs, and subsidies, with only enough regulations to protect property rights. The words are French which literally means “let [them] do,” but it broadly implies “let it be”, “ let them do as they will,” or “leave it alone”. In effect, that is a free market. Do you really think such a system left to its own devices will work? Do you really think? Just look. We have been deregulating continually since President Carter left office, and it has been a complete failure. This whole economic mess in which we are currently involved is the direct result of the greed, avarice, and downright dishonesty of those who advocate this system, the so-called free market, unregulated and out of control. Although these people were not prosecuted, they were crooks, legal crooks or illegal crooks. Call them what you will. They didn’t care about their country; they didn’t care about people; and they didn’t care about our environment. The only thing they did care about was themselves–their short-term gain; and, in the long run, I don’t think they cared about themselves either. They were certainly smart enough to see what was coming, and they did it anyway (I must note that they are continuing their evil deeds as we speak, denying our efforts toward reform). I do note, however, when the smoke cleared after the crash they came out of this dilemma far better, in general, than most of the rest of us. In general, their losses were minimal. I can come to no other conclusion, Capitalism, left to its own pursuit and devices without regulation and control will self destruct just as surely as those systems on the far left, Communism and Socialism. Only the strongest will survive; and, then, it will be called by a different name–perhaps Fascism, perhaps Nazism, whatever. A rose is a rose by any name. In the end, our Shadow Government will be a shadow no longer. It will be in your face.

Isn't that what has been happening over these many years since the beginnings of the eighties, especially egregious during the administration of George W. Bush, who not only deregulated but, also, purposely neglected to enforce those laws that were on the books. It will take years and maybe something else to redirect our nation on a positive course once again–to get beyond this vicious attack on our country by these people. One thing is certain, though. We will not solve our problem by electing them back into office. They should never be given power again–Ever! Again, let me repeat myself. These people do not care about this country or the people. They care only about themselves and their own personal interests. They have forfeited their right to govern. They have sold us out, and I rebuke the Democrats for not calling them to task for what they have done to us and to our nation.

We no longer live in the eighteenth or nineteenth century. This is the twenty-first century. This is the nuclear age. Our former policy of US vs. them can no longer endure. Our needs now are far and remote from our needs when we begun. Our forefathers were exceedingly intelligent, wise, and thinkers beyond their years; and surely, they must have had the best intent for the long term good of our country in mind; but, they weren’t omniscient; neither were they fortune tellers; and neither were they God–they were human beings, just like us. Many years have passed–almost a quarter of a millennium since our inception as a nation. There is very little, economically or politically that hasn't changed since–very little. We must all surely know that. It is past time for us to quit arguing and come together, to quit living in the past, to reform our law to reflect where we are now and where we will go from here, to think less of ourselves, but rather to think of our country–our great nation. Anarchy can never be; neither can tyranny be accepted by us in any way, shape, or form. We must never allow ourselves to be dominated by anyone–not a person, i.e. a Dictator, and not a group, i.e. an Oligarchy, such as a Corporatocracy, or Power Elite.  We must, also, understand that our freedom ends where that of others begins. We can no longer do as we please, if we are to be free and remain so. And, it is also true that we can no longer govern ourselves as thirteen sovereign nations under a common flag. That the concept of states’ rights must be preserved because of differences in regional needs is a must; but we must, also, accept that to maintain ourselves as a sovereign nation among others, we must be and remain one great nation under God with liberty and justice for all–united we stand, divided we fall. We must have and maintain a strong central government of the people, by the people, and for the people–all the people, all 100% of us–the only group under whose control we should abide. One surely doesn't have to graduate from Harvard or Yale to know that.

If we can’t go right and we can’t go left. Where can we go? Let me suggest. Why can’t we take from the best traits of both? We know that both have many. The best parts of capitalism under proper governance have provided a prosperous standard of living for our people for many years. The best parts of progressivism have done the same with economic security, safety nets, and a road for equal opportunity for all until, unfortunately, its suppression in these latter years.

Some institutions are better operated under privately operated businesses. Others are more efficient and less expensive operated collectively. In fact, our Social Security Administration is one of the most, if not the most efficient institutions in our government as well as one with the lowest administrative costs, their long lines at the windows (a sacrifice of efficiency to reduced costs) notwithstanding. Another example of an institution which would be more efficiently operated with less expense collectively is Healthcare–currently one of the most expensive services of all, now contributing more and more to our national deficit and debt in addition to the bankruptcies of millions of people annually. Many will disagree, especially those who sell insurance and pharmaceuticals, but Healthcare is more adaptive and better provided using a system of collective governance than any privatized application or system of applications can ever accomplish, the Affordable Care Act notwithstanding.

Of course, this is arguable, but one only has to look to our northern neighbor, Canada or England, or some of the European nations. The people there get better healthcare for far less money–a documented fact. I submit to you that a single payer universal healthcare system modeled after Medicare would be an ideal start toward the implementation of a universal healthcare system for our people; and it could be implemented immediately, covering all from the cradle to the grave, just beginning by going to the doctor and having them charge Medicare (Not quite that simple, perhaps, but certainly more so than what we are now experiencing with ACA). Of course there will be necessary tweaks, perhaps many, but there is no fault to be found that can’t be corrected by the pen, either up front or after the fact in legislation. Just look at the billions of dollars, if not trillions, that would be saved over the years, the arguing and bickering which would end, and the time and money saved in litigation and legislating, as well as the positive influence on employers and workweek hours. Admit it. A national healthcare system operated collectively makes a lot of sense–a whole lot. In deciding our direction for the future, our focus point should, and must be, the prosperity and wellbeing of our people–not the profiteers in this nation. Business, as I have said many times before exists for the sole purpose of serving people–not their dominance. When a collective approach is warranted, we should use it. When a private approach is warranted, we should use that.

When Socialism is cried, I don’t want to hear it. Rid your mind of the propaganda and pejoratives of the ignorant. The approach which I am suggesting, is using the best of both Capitalism and Progressivism, a constructive and positive effort toward the improvement of the standard of living and conditions of our people–all our people, the whole 100%. That’s the direction we want to go. That’s the direction in which we should go; and, to this end, we must take back our government for the people. 

Ronald Miller

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