
Friday, April 4, 2014

I Confess

          Over the past many days, weeks, months, even years, I have made some pretty strong criticisms against my government, my elected representatives in that government, and about the Corporatocracy and Power Elite in our country (that word, Corporatocracy kills me. I have to correct the spelling every time I use it. I even almost choke when I must pronounce it.).

I confess. I am prejudiced–very much so. I am deeply prejudiced toward my ingrained belief in an Almighty God who created this earth and the people thereon. I am prejudiced, also, in the deeply held belief that the earth and its resources were His gifts to man, all men–not just the privileged and gifted few among us. I truly believe Jesus when he says, “You cannot worship God and Mammon”. I, also, believe Jesus when he says, “To whom much is given, much is expected in return”. I am prejudiced, too, in the belief in the sovereignty of my country and the right of the people to rule over their inheritance. This earth, this nation, every nation belongs to the people, all the people who inhabit it. Doesn't, in effect, our Declaration of Independence and the Preamble to our Constitution say that?  To this end, all other institutions, institutions of government, those of business, or whatever, created by man, are created for his service, to provide for the fulfillment of man’s needs, just as the creations by God are created to fulfill His needs. Everything I say and everything I propose emanates from those prejudices.

I don’t apologize. That’s me. That's who I am.

Ronald Miller


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