
Saturday, March 1, 2014

When I Think of Our Government

          When I think of our government of the United States of America, a democratic republic, I think of it as “a government of the people, by the people, and for the people”, as articulated by President Lincoln at Gettysburg in 1863; and, also, I think of it as a nation under God based upon Judeo-Christian values and respect for the sanctity of life, as evidenced by our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. In this respect, our government, under our Constitution, is a secular government, one which is supposed to administer the law equally to all citizens within its jurisdiction without regard to gender, ethnicity and color, religious and sexual preferences, mental and health status, and all other differences notwithstanding–equally, equal treatment for all.

          This, in my mind, is important–very important, requiring our people to be informed, involved, objective, and responsible toward the achievement of our nation’s goals and resolving the many issues before us. Foremost in our minds should be the sovereignty, security, and solidarity of our nation, and, secondly, the security, freedom, liberty, and well-being of our people. All else, i.e. government, business, and labor, must serve the common good. You have heard the words, “United we stand, divided we fall”. I say to you, “The greater our inequality, the more we are divided”, and “The less informed, involved, objective, and responsible we are, the less secure our democracy becomes”.

          If we don’t become involved and take back our government from those who should be serving us, as opposed to governing us, there will be nothing left for our children and grandchildren but debt and servitude, i.e. slavery; and, if you don't do it, it won't get done.

Ronald Miller 

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