
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Gun Control

          Our current administration has for quite some time arduously pursued legislation toward the control of guns in our nation, ostensibly motivated by the many shootings in our schools, malls, and throughout the country in general. With all due respect to President Obama and those others who have advocated and supported those efforts, I believe they are wasting their time and taxpayer dollars. They may sound good politically. They may even make one feel good, for this is an emotional issue.  For sure, my heart and prayers go out to the victims and their families, but these proposed laws will not solve the problems. They will not even put a dent in them. Even if such legislation were to be passed, there would still be shootings in our schools, our malls, and elsewhere across the breadth of our nation. The real cause (or causes) is much deeper than guns; and, once again, our government is a day late and a dollar short in solving them. To them, there are greater problems to solve, like for the haves to make more money. Jamie Dimon needs another raise (Refer to my posting of January 25).

          There is another very important aspect of this subject which I must mention. Given what I have said above, one must surely understand the ramifications that the ultra restriction of guns, however effected or implemented, if passed, will have on our society. We would have a very unhappy people; and, our people are already unhappy–very unhappy. The blunt fact of the matter is our government is not faring very well with the people at all. I read in the media frequently, almost every day, as to their negative popularity. This is not a light matter. Pushing this issue further at this time will only serve to detract from our many other social issues which we are trying to resolve.

The truth of the matter is that guns are firmly ingrained in our culture. They are part and parcel of our psyche. The prohibition of guns, gun control, or a so-called war on guns, is arguably anathema to our society, the enforcement of which will have, if not already, the same results as those in our current war against drugs or during the prohibition of alcohol in the thirties. We all know how expensive and unsuccessful those efforts were (and are). If we really want to solve the problems of crime in the streets, drugs, school shootings, etc, we should redirect our efforts to the solving of our many social problems, i.e. unemployment, poverty, education, mental health, national healthcare, discrimination, incarceration, drugs, life in the ghettos, and many more. This is where our money and our political power should be spent. Politics aside, this is the direction in which we should and must focus our efforts.

          If, on the other hand, the real motive of our government is to control guns so as to forestall a rebellion or uprising of our people (It has been reported and known to most people that FEMA has already been setting up large internment camps throughout the nation as well as buying ammunition in huge quantities, coffins, etc. You can check this out at ), they should forget it. Such will only lead to the destruction of our nation, subjugating us to others, in which event no one would win. The best way to govern our great nation and have a contented people is to govern for the benefit of 100% of us, as opposed to the 1%, the corporatocracy and power elite they now support. If this would be their focus, they wouldn’t have to worry about any such uprising. If our Shadow Government of the Power Elite would give back what they have taken, Our Country, they wouldn’t have to worry about the people taking it back. These are my views. What are yours?

Ronald Miller

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