
Thursday, March 13, 2014

If I Vote for You

If I am to vote for you, I don’t really care if you are handsome, beautiful, or sexy and charismatic. Neither do I care if you are old, wrinkled, fat, and ugly. And, in fact, I will not vote for you if I, in any way, perceive you as patronizing, an insult to my intelligence, and disingenuous. What I do care about, if I am to vote for you, is your character and where your heart is.

Can I really trust you? Are you honest? Do you have integrity? Are you a competent leader? Do you know what you are doing? What is your real motivation? Whom do you really serve? What is your world view and in what direction do you intend to lead my country and me? Will you represent not only my interests but, also,  the interests of all the people, all 100% of us, or just the 1%, the Corporatocracy and the Power Elite, the Shadow Government, the real government, that presently governs over us through their strings of power, i.e. money, lobbyists, and corruption?

As for me, I want to vote for those who want life, liberty, justice, prosperity, and the pursuit of happiness for all the people, and, to quote Abraham Lincoln, a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

Ronald Miller 

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