
Sunday, December 8, 2019

Our Economy

The administration of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the Democratic Party of the times successfully brought the common people of our great nation out of the Great Depression of the 1930’s  and through World War II to achieve the highest prosperity and standard of living of any nation in the history of civilization only to have the Republican Party and the Corporatocracy and Power Elite, which they really represent, in their greed and corruption once again take control of our government and bring about its financial collapse in 2008 from the ashes of which the Democratic Party, under the leadership of President Barack Obama, once again restored us from disaster. 

Would you believe? They (the Republicans) still haven’t, as I think it was Jerry Falwell who used to say, “Learn to quit sucking eggs”. They’re at it again, and our great nation is once more on the verge of financial collapse, which I personally believe is imminent, regardless of which party comes to power in 2020—our only hope being for us to immediately get our taxes and spending in order; and, I might add, when it does come, don’t blame the Democrats.

If you think our economy is so “Great and Wonderful” as is being touted by the present administration, you are asleep, living in a dreamland. It is a fact! Our economy is FALSE to the core, based solely on borrowed money—government, personal, and corporate. Everybody knows, or most certainly should, anyone can live as “high on the hog’, on borrowed money, as long as their heart desires, if the lender will continue to lend, but that’s a fool’s errand—all borrowing must come to an end. It must be repaid. Despite what the politicians tell you, NOTHING IS FREE. Debt is ALWAYS repaid by someone—if not by the borrower, by the lender. They also know, or should, that government debt is, in the final analysis, the result of our spending in excess of our payment of taxes. 

That having been said, tell me. How does your bank account look? How much do you owe? How much interest are you paying? What are you going to do when your credit “runs out” or, God forbid, that of our corporations or our government (both have been borrowing to the “hilt” in these times of extremely low interest)? What are you going to do if you lose your job, or what if you are forced to sleep on the streets or in your cars (assuming they are unencumbered)? Are you going to vote for Herbert Hoover again?

Think about it.


Ronald Miller

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