
Friday, November 22, 2019

Dear Mr. President:

Dear Mr. President:

You say you want a trial. In this regard, allow me please to ask you a few questions, which, for the sake of time, I will answer for you. Did you fire Mr. Bolton? That Mr. Bolton might disagree notwithstanding, I’m certain your answer will be yes. Next, did you have a right to fire Mr. Bolton? Yes, of course. He serves at the pleasure of the President. 

To keep this short, haven’t you also fired others in your service? And the answer is also, yes—you have probably fired more people in your administration than any other president in history (just one indicator among many of poor managerial and leadership skills, I am compelled to note); and these also, you had a right to fire because they served at your pleasure.

Did you give them a trial? Of course not—because, as has been said, they serve at your pleasure. They don't have that privilege.

Now, let me ask you this. Is the President of the United States allowed to be fired by the American people? You bet your boots he is! He serves at the pleasure of the American people; and he most certainly must always keep that fact in the forefront of his mind. It’s called RESPONSIBILITY! He, however, as President of the most wonderful,  prosperous,  powerful,  blessed country in the history of civilization, is allowed a trial—unlike those who work for him. 

The rules for that trial, however, are not within the realm of his authority. Those rules are determined by his employers, “We the People”! And they have been established since the birth of our great nation, beginning with Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution and interpreted by the Congress and verified by the Supreme Court since. You don’t “call the shots” on this one, sir. You don't have the authority. Our government is not a dictatorship yet. Those shots are determined by our Congress—the House of Representatives and the Senate; and your trial has begun. I am compelled to add: you had your opportunity to participate, and you refused. In fact, you have obstructed the process throughout. 

In my opinion, you deserve everything you get. You have been a very bad boy and deserve to ‘stand in the corner”. You’re old enough to know better. Really, in fact, you should have learned all this in school—if you did your homework that is.


Ronald Miller

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