
Sunday, May 19, 2019



One of the “hottest” and most controversial subjects in the news these days is the subject of abortion, the act of extracting a fetus from the uterus of a woman prior to its birth. In fact, the subject of abortion has been an issue with us for years, even at times, a determining factor in our elections. Women protest that laws outlawing abortion rob them of their natural right to control their own bodies. Then there are those who look to religion as prohibitive of abortion, serving only to exacerbate the issue, complicating it further. So what do we do? What is right? What is wrong?

I believe this. There are legitimate reasons for a woman to have an abortion. There are, also, illegitimate reasons. Abortion is not the real issue. The real issue is murder; and that is plainly covered in the Holy Bible—The Ten Commandments. Abortion not only has to do with the rights of a pregnant mother, it has to do with the rights of an innocent, unborn child who cannot speak for himself, a fact more often than not neglected. Once a human has life, he (or she) has inalienable rights.

I do not believe in abortion except when the life of the mother is in jeopardy. There are those who will add babies resulting from rape and incest to this, and there are still others who want the right to abort unwanted babies at will. I don’t agree with that either. Neither do I believe women are being denied their right to control their bodies.
I’m an old man. I’ve seen a lot of streetcars go by over many years. Trust me. I understand the difficulties in what I’m saying. We are people. We are human, and sexual passion is an overwhelming force with which objective logic is incompatible; but women are not being denied their right to control their body. In fact they are intimately involved in every decision in the process of their pregnancies. They are involved in deciding as to whether they have sex or don’t have sex. They can always say, “No”! If their decision is “Yes”, they can insist on birth control, either by using it themselves or demand the use of such by their partner. If, after sex, pregnancy ensues, they can decide between placing their child for adoption or keep it. In cases of rape or incest, the same decision is also available. Adoption is the answer.

If abortion is considered, we must determine when life begins? The Bible tells us, “For the life of a creature is in the blood…” Leviticus 17:11. Perhaps the first beat of the heart is the answer.

In the final analysis, I believe unwanted babies should be placed for adoption. It is the right thing to do. It is the moral thing to do. It is the patriotic thing to do. There is no limit to the demand for children in our society. It is a matter of fact that our people are producing less and less babies, and our population is diminishing—thus my use of the word patriotism. Sex is one of the most desirable aspects of our life. Not only does it contribute to the reproduction of our population, it supplies us with love and affection, the one thing in life more desired by the human species than anything else.

In closing, I must add. We should not criminalize abortion in this nation under any circumstance. Our prisons are full enough, and we would do better in spending our taxpayer dollars to help support the babies we want to destroy.

This is Ronald Miller

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