
Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Donald Trump

Donald Trump

Oh ye who continue to support this president, Donald Trump, when who he is, what he is about, his obvious incompetence, and what he is doing to the detriment of our country, you know not what you are doing. Our sovereign nation is a democracy, a Democratic Republic, if you will. As a citizen, you have, and should have, every right to participate in the governance and determination of the direction of our nation; but, as they say, be careful of that for which you ask. You may get it. This man is not qualified to be the leader and chief executive officer of this our country, one of if not the greatest empire on earth—the greatest in the history of civilization.

He is not a leader. That’s not just the opinion of this writer. It’s a fact. Take an honest look and you will see. As divided as we were when he entered office, we are even more divided now; and that division is continued at an even more rapid pace. A leader inspires people, brings them together to achieve a common goal. He motivates people to follow his leadership because they wish—not because they are “told”. A leader is not a dictator. Our illustrious president, Donald Trump, on the other hand, serves only those who comprise his hard core base and then only to serve the personal interests of himself and his family—and he does this openly. He doesn’t even try to hide it. He certainly hasn’t served you. Just look. He’s like a bull in a china shop. Think! The President of the United States of America, the greatest country on earth, must be a leader, a leader of the people, all the people—not a divider. Donald Trump is not a leader. This should be a prime factor in your thinking when you go to vote.

He is intellectually challenged. He is not knowledgeable as is usually expected of a person holding a position of presidential magnitude. He graduated from one of the best business schools in the world, The Wharton School, with a BS degree in economics (ref. Wikipedia). Yet he shows little or no knowledge of how a business is really run or how an economy really works. He has a short attention span and makes decisions from the seat of his pants. We are also told he doesn’t read, showing a complete lack of intellectual curiosity. He rejects or minimizes his daily briefings, preferring to secure his knowledge of events from the daily news and elsewhere. I saw and heard him say in his own words on television that he believes the Russians know more than his own intelligence people.

Just look at how he is “running up” our national deficit in light of the stupendous national debt we now have with no plan for the future, spending money as if there is no tomorrow. As I indicated in a previous post to this blog, President Obama was lowering our deficit as our economy recovered from the economic crisis and financial collapse he inherited. He was leading us back to normal. He had a plan. He knew what he was doing. Donald Trump has no such plan. He has no real strategy. He is operating from the seat of his pants. Now, our deficit and our debt once again is on the increase with no end in sight (except for some farfetched notion in the back of our illustrious leader’s mind that he is going to take it out of our [yours and mine] Social Security and Medicare). Remember this when you go to the polls in 2020.

Look at his many bankruptcies—not one, not two, but several. Look at the many lawsuits against him. Also, keep in mind that, initially, his money was given to him. Yes, given; and not a small amount was derived from unpaid taxes of his father (my view is that all too often, like father, like son). It’s a matter of record—and in his father’s footsteps, though not as successful, he carries on, one disaster after another. Donald Trump isn’t just a poor guy with some bad luck, he’s a loser elected by us. He’s the President of the United States. And through his leadership of this nation he is making us losers too. The President of the United States of America, the greatest country on earth, the greatest empire in the history of civilization, not only must be a leader, he must be knowledgeable. This too should be a prime factor in your thinking when you go to vote.

He is not a competent manager. He operates from the seat of his pants with little or no strategic planning, making decisions and responding to questions “off the cuff”, one cause of his many lies. He dictates. He is a dictator and a bully. He cannot—he is unable to competently delegate authority to subordinate managers and coordinate their efforts for the overall good of the nation. The turnover of those who report to him is the highest in the history of our nation. Presently, many of those positions are temporary rather than permanent due to the many firings and resignations among them. The President of the United States of America, the greatest country on earth, the greatest empire in the history of civilization, not only must be a knowledgeable leader, but also, he must be competent. Donald Trump is not! Remember this when you vote.

Donald Trump is a showman, a promoter. He is an entertainer, and he’s good at it. You don’t believe this? Just look. Take note of how many voted for him. He constantly crisscrosses the country, conducting political rallies. It seems he spends, more time campaigning and playing golf than doing his job of conducting the business of the nation. To quote Lindsey Graham (I saw and heard him say this on television news), “Donald Trump is a race baiting, xenophobic, bigot. He doesn't represent my party; he doesn't represent the values that the men and women who wear the uniform are fighting for". I must say, however, although Lindsey Graham did say this, yesterday on television, he challenged his own credibility when he “flip flopped” and, in defense of Donald Trump, Jr., declared that, contrary to the Constitution of the United States of America, the subpoenas of Donald Trump, Jr. by the House of Representatives should be ignored.

In addition, I believe Donald Trump is a severely mentally sick man, a mega narcissistic, a personality disorder “characterized largely by an overinflated sense of self-importance, typically caused by unbalanced parental valuation during childhood” (Definition right out of Wiktionary).

In my view, Donald Trump is not qualified to be president of our great nation—not the kind we want anyway. In thinking about this, one should be mindful that this is not a Republican vs. Democrat issue. In my view, he is neither. Donald Trump is a threat to our country. He is a threat to you. He is a threat to me. He is a threat to both the Republican and the Democratic Party. We should vote him out of office before he destroys us all, before he destroys you, before he destroys me, before he destroys our country. Believe me. He is not going to “make America Great Again”. It's not in him.

Ronald Miller

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