
Saturday, May 6, 2017

Let’s Get Together
A Discussion of Healthcare

The threat of nuclear war notwithstanding, one of, if not the greatest, problem facing our nation today is our division within, the division of our people and our nation—a threat to our democracy and our very sovereignty. Yet, sad to say, our leaders refuse to do anything about it, ostensibly preferring to pursue their personal interests instead.

But let us think about this. Are we really as separated as it looks or, is this being perpetrated upon us? I submit that if we think more deeply, we will see the real truth of the matter just below the surface. I believe that the truth is found in the beginning of the second paragraph of our Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness….” I believe we all want this; and, in this we are all united—we are one and all together.

There are other truths that go right along with Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, one of which is that this earth belongs to all of us. We all have a right to its resources, the fruits of our labor, and equal opportunity to the full extent of our abilities. Although we are all born equal under the eyes of God and under the law, it is patently obvious, however, that we are not born equal physically. Some are born more gifted than others, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Accordingly, those whose abilities are limited have a right to share also from the fruits of those more able and more gifted. To whom much is given, more is expected. Our separation begins here and increases in proportion to our self interests and misperceptions which we all have to one degree or another. It is in this light I view Health Care, Social Security, Unemployment, and Taxes in accordance with one’s ability to pay. Just as sloth and laziness, the unwillingness of those who are able to work, is unacceptable, so also is the concept of “survival of the fittest and let the devil take the hindmost”.

Personally, I’m an old man. For all you young people who don’t know it, I have one of the best healthcare plans in the whole world. I have Medicare which pays 80% of my medical bills and a supplemental plan which pays the other 20%.  For that, I pay an annual deductible of $150 and monthly premiums combined of approximately $250. You, too, could have just as good a plan and choose your own doctor—really. The insurance is called “single payer” and the program is already up and running—if only Congress would represent your interests instead of that of the insurance companies.
Of course, you would have to pay more. My cost is cheaper because of all the years I have already paid in, but it should be significantly cheaper for you than you pay now. Just eliminating the insurance companies from the picture should save billions of dollars (Many are talking about leaving anyway). Also, look at the monumental savings to small business and large corporations as well. Even Congress would find relief. To those who cry Socialism, I say it’s not true—just not so. It’s only single payer—the government only pays the premiums. The providers would still run the system.

A very important point that I don’t hear discussed elsewhere has to do with the administration of the system. It should and must be a stand-alone, pay as you go system apart and separate from our government operating budget just as now is Social Security. It should be paid in full at the end of each fiscal year and not affect our annual deficit or debt. The amounts businesses are now contributing to employee healthcare should be added to employee wages. To finance the program, I suggest that in this particular instance, to minimize its impact on the people, a wise government would create a non-deductible adjunct to the corporate income tax—no payroll taxes, etc. A good time to do this would be when we reform corporate income taxes.

Let’s all get together and go in the same direction. Let the entire people share in the fruits of our productivity.

This is also discussed in my blog of October 22, 2016.

 In the meantime, this is Ronald Miller,

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