Should President Trump
Be Impeached?
Watching C-Span’s Washington
Journal this morning, I viewed an interview with Mr. Norman Sullivan,
co-founder/coordinator of, “a new online initiative dedicated
to galvanizing millions…” i.e. an independent initiative or lobby “to defend
the public interest”. Their statement is that “Our country faces a far-right
Republican Party regime that is largely a subsidiary of corporate America and a
Democratic Party whose leadership is enmeshed with corporate power”—an absolute
fact I have been raving about for quite some time now. One of their immediate initiatives
is “Impeach Trump Now”, the subject of this discussion. Other initiatives are: “Yes
to Carbon Tax, But Do It Right”, “Tell NPR to Call a Lie a Lie”, and “Cancel
the F-35”—listed here just for your general information.
Let’s get down to it. Should
President Trump be impeached? Absolutely not! Particularly, at this point in
time (he has only been in office a little over a month), we don’t dare to even try
to impeach our duly elected president. As I wrote in my blog on February 17th,
in my opinion, the American people haven’t, as a nation, been this divided since
the beginning of the nineteen hundreds when we were overrun with riots and
rebellion. As we speak, the most urgent
and immediate problem before us today is the reunification of our people. We
must come together again. Our nation is regressing; and, if we don’t come back
together, we will no longer have a nation as we now know it. If we impeach
President Trump now, it will be the beginning of the end. Count on it.
Listen up, folks. President Trump
legally won his election for the presidency on November 7th, 2017. Everything we
know about him now, we knew then. Very little, if anything, has come on the
scene since. We did our very best to
convince those on “the other side” as to why they were wrong and we were right,
and we lost. That’s how it works. Therefore, we owe it to President Trump and
to those who voted for him to let things play out according to law—short of the
occurrence of a national tragedy, of course. As is said, “Right is right, and
wrong is wrong”. They won the election; we lost. It is my firm belief that if
President Trump is impeached at this time, our nation will never come back
together again. Those who elected him must first come to see the error of their
ways; or, conversely, we come to see ours.
Let me know what you think.
In the meantime, this is Ronald
signing off.