
Sunday, August 24, 2014

How We Vote
          In his book, Blink, the author, Malcolm Gladwell tells the story of Warren G Harding, our 29th President of the United States, arguably, according to historians of the time, one of the worst presidents in history, allegedly, unbeknownst to him, overseeing an administration of vice and corruption (His reputation has since been usurped by a worse and even more damaging president, but that is a subject for another time). Entering office March 4, 1921, Harding died in office of a stroke August 2, 1923.

According to Gladwell, “Harding was worth looking at. His head, features, shoulders and torso had a size that attracted attention; their proportions to each other made an effect which in any male at any place would justify more than the term handsome – in later years, when he came to be known beyond his local world, the word ‘Roman’ was occasionally used in descriptions of him. …., his legs bore out the striking and agreeable proportions of his body; and his lightness on his feet, his erectness, his easy bearing, added to the impression of physical grace and virility. His suppleness, combined with his bigness of frame, and his large, wide–set rather glowing eyes, heavy black hair, and markedly bronze complexion gave him some of the handsomeness of an Indian. His courtesy…..suggested genuine friendliness toward all mankind. His voice was noticeably resonant, masculine, warm. His pleasure in the attentions of the bootblack’s whisk reflected a consciousness about clothes unusual in a small-town man. His manner as he bestowed a tip suggested generous good-nature, a wish to give pleasure based on physical well–being and sincere kindliness of heart.”

To make a long story short, President Harding’s performance in office was reportedly lack luster and mediocre in just about every position he held throughout his career and into his presidency. He loved to play cards, drink whiskey, and women. His political progress and success appeared to be due only to his personal attributes indicated above combined with the salesmanship of the political machine promoting his candidacy. One can only conclude that the preponderance of the people who voted for him had to have placed their votes based on their emotional prejudices and bias formulated by his physical appearance and personality–certainly not rational and objective reasoning or knowledge.

Today, our world is on fire, people are suffering all over, and our nation is in deep political and economic trouble. Midterm elections are drawing near. Emotional and prejudicial thinking among our voters are a threat to the very existence of our democracy; and, yet, there are those among us who will put our nation at risk by their refusal to seek the real truth and vote for those who really represent their true interests–mainly because we just don’t want to take the time. We refuse to accept the premise that with freedom goes responsibility. There are still those among us who persist in using the same criteria for voting that we did in 1921 when we voted for Warren G. Harding.

Election Day is coming. It is imperative that we vote rationally and intelligently. It is imperative that we vote for those candidates who represent our own interests. Who represents yours? Are you poor? Are you working or unemployed? Are you homeless? Are you in need of healthcare you can afford? Are you on Social Security? Are you disabled? Are you on Food Stamps? Are you middleclass? Are your jobs being outsourced to foreign countries, to slave labor? Or, on the other hand, are you in the top 1% of the people, those taking in the highest income and holding the most wealth among us–those on the top end (the receiving end) of the income inequality picture–those whose interests are represented by our Shadow Government, the Corporatocracy and Power Elite among us. Chances are that you are one of the 99% of us. You know who represents the 1%. Who represents you, the 99%?

In either event, what is any of this discussion worth if you don’t get out and vote, if you don't protect your interests. One thing you can count on–you can take to the bank, the Corporatocracy and Power Elite will.

Ronald Miller

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