
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Left, Right, What?

‘You know? When one thinks about the words, left, right, conservative, and liberal, it is very interesting. Studying the matter just a little further, I turned to my dictionary to search, first, for the definition of the word(s), right wing (as you might expect, my thinking was politically oriented), when the words, noble and commoner, were added to the process.

The New Oxford American Dictionary (right out of my amazonkindle) defines “the right wing” as: “the conservative or reactionary section of a political party or system, <ORIGIN> with reference to the National Assembly in France (1789-91), where the nobles sat to the president’s right and the commons to the left”. My take on this (I confess. This is where personal pride and prejudice shows its ugly face), is that nobles are better than commoners. Now, I must tell you, I don’t like that. Reality and common happenstance notwithstanding, it just doesn't go down right with me. I consider myself a commoner (and I am); and, there is no way (expletive delete) I accept another, as better than me. Commoners on the left, nobles on the right–that’s something to think about, now isn't it.  

Ronald Miller

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