
Friday, September 20, 2013

Help Wanted
Job Openings Coming Soon

Next year, 2014, The United States of America will be seeking to fill various position openings in our Congress, i.e. The House of  Representatives and the United States Senate. Two years later, in 2016, additional openings in this legislative body will become available for hire along with the position of The President of the United States of America.

Successful candidates for these positions must have the following qualifications:

Complete and abiding loyalty to the sovereignty of the United States of America, its citizens therein, and their interests and well-being thereof, the candidate’s political party notwithstanding–a citizen being defined as a person, a human being, not a business or corporation.

Unblemished character and reputation, completely devoid of avarice or deceit in any form. Candidate’s values must be beyond reproach.

An above average intelligence, intellectual curiosity, and ability to reason within complex situations. Must be an avid reader.

Excellent people skills, having empathy and compassion for others–race, creed, or sex notwithstanding.

Highly educated with an in-depth knowledge of history (world history as well as American history), sociology, economics (including money and banking), and finance (insurance and financial markets). Knowledge of the law and government will be helpful.

Be honest with yourself. Does your candidate really represent your interests or does he or she represent the interests of our Shadow Government, i.e. the power elite and corporate giants represented by K Street Lobbyists. Do you vote for him or her because they are “good looking”, part their hair just right, and/or are of the same party your ma and pa always voted for, and you have always voted that way; or, on the other hand, are you voting with knowledge of the real issues at hand? For that matter, are you really “up” on the issues? Keep in mind. Everything you see or are told isn't necessarily what is really happening behind the scenes in this giant chess game.

Think! Who really cares about and represents you and your family? 

Ronald Miller

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