
Monday, September 14, 2020


God Is In Control! So?

I was sitting in my chair, looking out the window at the squirrels running up and down the tree, when I “got to thinking”. There are all kinds of people who, on the “Bell Curve”, ranging from unbelievers on one end to devout believers in Christianity on the other, who sincerely believe in life after death, when they will live forever with Almighty God in Heaven. They believe God is in control, don’t worry, everything will “come out all right”. I share that too. I am told there are those who have given up everything, gone up onto a hill and are waiting the second coming. Now, I’m not so sure about that. My question is, “when is ‘everything coming out all right’ going to happen—before I die or afterwards?”

Moving right along, assuming “everything is going to come out all right”—God is in control; am I to sit and continue to watch the squirrels run up and down the tree or “get off my duff”, go to work, and “earn my bread by the sweat of my brow” as instructed by God in the Book of Genesis? The additional commands of Jesus for me to “go into the world and spread His Word” notwithstanding, am I to improve my position in life and that of my family through hard work, education, and participation in society as a responsible citizen, caring about the affairs of my country and the world; or, again, do I just leave it to God—He’s in control?

I know God is going to take care of me in the life to come, but what about this life? Do I not have to worry “in the now”? I never hear a preacher preach about this. In meetings where we discuss various problems in the church, our homes, our lives, country, etc., I not infrequently hear somebody say, “God’s in charge. Don’t worry. He’ll take care of it”. You know what? That scares me to death (sometimes). Let me remind you. Nero soaked Christians in oil and burned them at the stake, and it’s hard to find anyone more loyal to Christ than them. So why should we feel carefree and fearless in this life just because “God is in charge”? Do we not have to be concerned and responsible citizens in this life while we are still here, or do we just turn our back on our worldly responsibilities leaving them to God?

What do you think?



Ronald Miller


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