
Friday, July 12, 2019

The Jeffrey Epstein Calamity

I think the media reporting on the Jeffrey Epstein issue has much to be desired.

The first question I would ask (and maybe this has been covered by the media to some extent) is how did the Federal Government become involved in the original issue in the first place. I am of the impression that this was originally a matter of the state. I do think I know the answer, however.

Next, for whatever reason, the original charges came under Federal jurisdiction wherein, firstly, Attorney Alexander Acosta illegally negotiated with the representatives of the defendant without the presence of the victims, the result of which the prosecutor, Alexander Acosta, succumbed to the demands of the defendant, Jeffrey Epstein. Why? It has been reported in the media that Acosta was afraid of the defendant. Why? Could the possible influence of organized crime be a contributor to this issue? What's to hide.

Next! I listened to Acosta’s resignation from his position of Secretary of Defense today, to which Trump protested to no end, praising Acosta as if he was a Saint. Frankly, I think “he protested too much”—way too much. Why? 

Next! I think there have been behind the scene payoffs toward which both Acosta’s and Epstein’s bank accounts should be audited for the periods before and after the occurrences of the incidences, taking account of potential changes in account holders for the purpose of hiding cash flows from bribers.

This whole issue stinks from high heaven, as they say; and we must get to the bottom of it. Understand this! We are not just talking about sex trafficking and prostitution. We are talking about Slavery and Pedophilia, charges which in my mind are inexcusable, charges which in some minds may be considered for the death penalty. There is certainly no doubt about the unacceptability of such behaviors by the leaders of our great country, the previous leaders of the free world (obviously, we have lost our position there).

It’s past time we take back our country. It’s past time for we the people to recognize and correct the mistakes we have made in the selection of our so-called leaders who have so humiliated us before the world and before Almighty God.

That’s my viewpoint and I am sticking to it until you convince me I am wrong, in which case I have an open mind; and, in the face of truth, i.e. auditable facts, I am willing to change my mind.

This is Ronald Miller

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