
Saturday, July 27, 2019


Said by Rep. James Comer, (R) Kentucky 1st district
on CNN July 16, 2019 AM:

“The Democratic Party is Trying to Lead This Country on a Socialist Agenda”

Hogwash!!! Just before the above testimony, statement, or whatever other title you wish to assign to this garbage, House Minority Leader, Kevin McCarthy, said, “The Republican Party is the party of Lincoln”. Again, Hogwash!!! It’s a fact that the Republican Party was born “the Party of Lincoln”, but they ceased being that long ago. McCarthy was disingenuous in his statement just as was Representative Comer in his, re “a Socialist Agenda”. There may have been a time when McCarthy was a real Republican; but, in my view, all that has changed, just as the party and his colleagues have changed. It isn’t even the party of Ronald Reagan anymore. They have lost track of their roots. 

Lincoln was an “abolitionist”. He also represented the interests of the people. So also did the party; but, subsequent to the Civil War, it has evolved into a party of the rich and powerful, the Corporatocracy and Power elite, which it has represented ever since. In my view, it no longer represents the common man. It has only deceived him. Racism was its footstool then; it is its footstool now. Consistent with its globalist agenda, it has even “sucked in” portions of the Democratic Party which used to be the party of the people. You don’t believe? Just check out the history of the Great Recession and crash of 2008 triggered by the fraud of Wall Street for which many were fined, but no one was incarcerated.

The Republican Party of today, however, has evolved. It is “absolutist”. From all appearances, our illustrious president has introduced a mafia type culture into the party and it is now appearing to become, if it hasn’t already, the party of Putin with Trump his man in charge whose strategy is "Divide and Conquer".

Tragically, the American people now supporting the party do not really understand what is happening to them and to our country as a result. Our democracy is being destroyed in the process. In fact, it is even worse than that. If you are willing to look at the whole picture, the whole state of affairs, Our Democracy is under attack on three fronts: One, as we just discussed, it is under attack by the Trump Party (I don’t even want to call it Republican anymore); Two, it is under attack by the Corporatocracy and Power Elite, aka the huge international corporations and the very powerful rich, the 1%, which control our nation through their lobbyists and “big” money; and Three, the severe lack of active and enlightened participation by we the citizenry—far too many of us do not take our responsibilities of democracy seriously. We have become lethargic in our willingness to read, study, and keep abreast in our knowledge of history and current events.

In the overall scheme of things, during my lifetime (and that’s a long time), I have never seen the Republican Party as the party of the people; and now I even question it’s representation of this nation. It has forsaken the original Republican Party to become a party of hypocrites and bigots, selfishly putting personal agendas and careers ahead of both the party and the nation to follow Trump. The Party has become the party of Trump; and, to be honest, with the people and our nation “sucking hind tit” in the economy. In the meantime, Trump and his family (along with the big corporations and top one percent of our people, i.e. again, the Corporatocracy and Power elite) are filling their coffers, laughing all the way to the bank to the detriment of our people and our nation. 

One doesn’t have to be a rocket scientist to see and understand what I have just said. It doesn’t take a college degree. It might help, but one doesn’t even need a high school diploma. Just stop, look, and think. Even when they talk, these so-called Republicans look and sound like fools in their insincere defense of Trump lies and deceit.

 Rep. Comer said (see above), “The Democratic Party is trying to lead this country on a Socialist agenda”. What is Socialism? You may know what it really is; or, when you really stop to ask yourself and think about it, you may not. Frankly, most people don’t. They couldn’t sit down and write a paragraph about it to save their lives. I know one thing for sure. Over the years, the word has become a pejorative. The minute it is spoken and heard, people become angry, caused by its poor and incompetent governance and abuse in the past. We get mad, we argue, we fight, and the discussion ends. All is lost. So let’s not use this word. We can gain nothing.

We are a nation of three hundred plus million people, each have their own opinion, thus three hundred million ideas. Also, there are always those who go off in their own directions; but, given responsible knowledgeable leadership with integrity and reliable information, we can usually arrive at reasonable decisions and get things done. With that in mind, let’s start from there.

First, as indicated above, there may be some exceptions, but Democrats are not “trying to lead this country on a Socialist agenda”. In our nation, the very rich and powerful have been plundering the income and wealth of we the people, slowly reducing the standard of living of the common citizen over the past forty years. Look it up. Google it. The Democrats are just trying to get back our country for the people to whom it belongs and provide them their fair share of the economy. Every able bodied citizen is entitled to the value of his (or her) productivity. Livable wages in accordance with the worth of their productivity are the right of everyone. Those who for reasons beyond their control are unable to produce should be provided appropriate aid or relief. So also are equal opportunity, quality healthcare, education, and the right to vote the right of everyone. These should be inscribed in our Constitution. A healthy, educated, and prosperous people make for a strong and prosperous nation—call it what you will.

Lastly, our nation is in the condition we find it because of neglect, neglect of the people, and neglect of those who govern us. A democracy by its very definition must have the participation of the people to survive. First, they must vote, in support of which, they must be and stay informed. Mental laziness is the plague of all of us—just some more than others. Also, those who govern us must be honest and govern with integrity, putting country ahead of party, patriotism and service ahead of self. Without both of these on an overall basis, a democracy will ultimately fail. Dictatorship will inevitably take its place. Failure of loyalty is a prescription for failure. Do not forget those famous words, “United we stand, divided we fall”.

Ronald Miller

Friday, July 12, 2019

The Jeffrey Epstein Calamity

I think the media reporting on the Jeffrey Epstein issue has much to be desired.

The first question I would ask (and maybe this has been covered by the media to some extent) is how did the Federal Government become involved in the original issue in the first place. I am of the impression that this was originally a matter of the state. I do think I know the answer, however.

Next, for whatever reason, the original charges came under Federal jurisdiction wherein, firstly, Attorney Alexander Acosta illegally negotiated with the representatives of the defendant without the presence of the victims, the result of which the prosecutor, Alexander Acosta, succumbed to the demands of the defendant, Jeffrey Epstein. Why? It has been reported in the media that Acosta was afraid of the defendant. Why? Could the possible influence of organized crime be a contributor to this issue? What's to hide.

Next! I listened to Acosta’s resignation from his position of Secretary of Defense today, to which Trump protested to no end, praising Acosta as if he was a Saint. Frankly, I think “he protested too much”—way too much. Why? 

Next! I think there have been behind the scene payoffs toward which both Acosta’s and Epstein’s bank accounts should be audited for the periods before and after the occurrences of the incidences, taking account of potential changes in account holders for the purpose of hiding cash flows from bribers.

This whole issue stinks from high heaven, as they say; and we must get to the bottom of it. Understand this! We are not just talking about sex trafficking and prostitution. We are talking about Slavery and Pedophilia, charges which in my mind are inexcusable, charges which in some minds may be considered for the death penalty. There is certainly no doubt about the unacceptability of such behaviors by the leaders of our great country, the previous leaders of the free world (obviously, we have lost our position there).

It’s past time we take back our country. It’s past time for we the people to recognize and correct the mistakes we have made in the selection of our so-called leaders who have so humiliated us before the world and before Almighty God.

That’s my viewpoint and I am sticking to it until you convince me I am wrong, in which case I have an open mind; and, in the face of truth, i.e. auditable facts, I am willing to change my mind.

This is Ronald Miller