
Monday, March 18, 2019


We need to understand something and understand it well. Any and every nation in existence today, including ours, needs a government to manage and conduct its affairs, whether it is a democracy, a dictatorship, or whatever. That’s an indisputable fact. Anarchy is unacceptable. The only question is how much we need and are willing to pay.

Something else—I’m sick and tired of hearing some of these politicians talk about free this and free that, i.e. healthcare, education, etc. !@.#*. Nothing, absolutely nothing is free! Somebody always has to pay for it; and, whether it’s through your taxes and government or straight out of your pocket, that somebody is you. If you are not paying taxes, someone else is paying for you. One might say that taxes paid by corporations are not yours, but don’t kid yourself. Taxes paid by corporations whenever possible are passed on to you through the prices you pay for their products or services. Taxes are your money (and responsibility), going and coming, right along with the money the government borrows, i.e. your national debt; and, (don’t forget this) “taxes buy civilization”—they are our responsibility.

In the final analysis, this all comes down to the fact that government is the responsibility of all of us, “we the people”; and we must pay for it—you and I.

Ronald Miller

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