
Thursday, July 26, 2018

Donald John Trump

Retired and unemployed, most mornings I enjoy the privilege of watching C-SPAN’s Washington Journal along with a good cup of coffee. All too frequently, I hear people, calling into the program saying, in effect, “Quit picking on our President, Donald Trump. Give him a chance. He’s doing a great job. He’s getting things done. He ‘tells it like it is’, etc.” I’m writing this in response to say, “Hogwash”! It may be true that he is being “picked on”, especially by the news media, about which I will talk another day, but the other complaints are downright inaccurate—wrong.

Before going one step further, let’s agree on one very basic and important fact—a fact which I sincerely believe is grossly overlooked by most of us and never discussed. The Presidency of The United States of America is one of, if not the most, important and responsible positions of leadership in the world today—more than any international corporation, more than, arguably, any other country, the incumbency of which demands the very utmost of personal and professional skills, including but not limited to honesty, integrity, intelligence, knowledge and character, in conjunction with the requisite diplomatic, management and leadership abilities enabling one to successfully lead and manage such a vast organization. Our government, The United States of America is no small organization despite the best efforts of some politicians and others (Grover Norquist, for example, wanting to “shrink it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub”) to the contrary. If anyone wants to discuss our presidency, they must recognize its immense responsibility. It is no grocery store or shop on the corner.

Donald Trump is not being picked on. One does not have to accuse him of anything or listen to anyone else who does—especially the news media. All one has to do is stop, look, and listen to him in order to comprehend who and what he is. As they say, “It’s a ‘No Brainer’”. Let’s face it. We made a mistake in electing him to office. It is patently obvious that Donald Trump does not have the necessary qualifications indicated above to hold office. He is not a leader; he is not a manager; he is not a diplomat; he is not knowledgeable; and, for that matter, he is not a businessman—not a successful one at least. His many legal encounters and bankruptcies of record documents this; and when all this “shakes out”, I think we will find he and his various organizations are “over their heads” in debt, if not bankrupt. If our president, Donald John Trump, is being “picked on”, he is doing it to himself. If he is continually being shot in the foot, it is he who is holding the gun.

Before closing this, I want to briefly discuss the election, November, 2016. I submit to you: The people of this country didn’t have a chance. They (We) didn’t have the chance of a gasoline dog trying to go thru hell of electing a candidate who would represent the best interests of “We the People”. As I wrote back then, our election of Hillary Clinton would be a disaster; our election of Donald Trump would be a catastrophy. What we have wrought is before us. We are in the midst of a catastrophy. We only had two choices—and very poor ones at that. I’ll tell you. I voted for Hillary. Come hell or high water, we can wade through a disaster. Our nation has done so many times before, but only time will tell on this one—a catastrophy is another matter. 

One last thing: Our people elected Donald Trump because they viewed him as “one of us”. He talked like us; he “told it like it is”. But they were mistaken. Real leaders in a huge complex world such as the one in which we live cannot be like us. They don’t necessarily think like us; they don’t always talk like us; and we cannot always talk like them. If we had their qualifications, well, we would be one of them—you think? Donald Trump is not one of them either. Neither do I think he is one of us; but only time will tell who and what he really is; and only time will tell if and when we can survive this mess in which we find ourselves.

These are my views. I’m interested in yours.
Ronald Miller

Thursday, July 19, 2018

The Democratic Party. Who or What Are They?

Time magazine writes in its September 21st issue last year, “Divided Democratic Party Debates Its Future as 2020 Looms”. Not only does 2020 “Loom”, November 6th, this year’s election day “Looms” also—only 79 days from now when we will come together to elect a new Congress for the next two years—and the party is still divided as to whom they wish to represent in our government—we the people, whom they represented in our more prosperous years in the past, the Corporatocracy and Power Elite, whom they, for all intents and purposes, represented since the election of President Clinton in 1992, or just the Democratic Party, i.e. to hell with the best interests of the people or the nation (Isn’t that what we have been doing? Isn’t that the way it now is—all about party politics? Isn’t that how we got stuck with the “Bad Joke” we now have for president? ). Every time we have an election, for the most part all that is discussed is party politics. Relatively little time is spent in discussing issues; and, even then, the depth of the discussion is so shallow, it’s embarrassing. Think about it. 

As you do so, you might also recall that the Corporatocracy and Power Elite is already represented by the Republican Party and have been since their inception (Check out the history of our nation since the industrial revolution in the nineteenth century). Must we allow them to continue their take-over of the Democratic Party also? If we allow them to rule over both parties, our democracy will surely be lost. And where will we go from there? It would appear to me that we already consist of the “haves” and “have-nots”. Every day the gap between our working class and the wealthy grows larger. Is that what we want for our children, grandchildren, and generations to come? I don’t think so, and I don’t think you do either.

I submit to you that the Democratic Party needs to return to being the representative of the people. This is where Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Harry Truman brought us. This planet belongs to the people, all of us, and not just to the wealthy and powerful—and certainly not to corporations, legal entities with neither hearts nor souls. To that end they need to promote and provide sound government for all in conjunction with our corporations and businesses which should serve the people who created them, with quality products and services. After all, that is their real purpose, or were supposed to be. Even those who invest to “make money” exist, in the final analysis, to serve “We the People” by financing these businesses.

What, then, kind of government should we expect from them? 

I submit, first and foremost, we need leaders who have the ability to lead—the ability to “unite” us rather than “divide and conquer” us as is now being done. This is the most important and necessary task before us today. As I have said before, we have never been this divided as a nation since the Civil War of the nineteenth century. It is absolutely imperative that we come together as a people once again. 

Second, we must rid our politics of money in campaign financing. Corporations are not people, and they must not be allowed to “vote”. Our Shadow Government of Lobbyists must be eliminated.

Third, we must get our finances in order. We must eliminate our deficit and, in turn, our national debt. To that end, we must reform our system of taxation. Taxpayers must pay according to their ability to pay, corporate welfare must come to an end, and loopholes eliminated. We must balance our budget(s) as needed—surpluses in good times and deficits in hard times.

Fourth, we must provide our people with a single-payer universal healthcare system with access for all. I suggest it be based on the model of our present system of Medicare and that it is imperative that it be a standalone self funded system external to our Federal Budget as currently is our present Social Security program. Not only will this provide affordable healthcare to all, it will significantly provide relief to state and local budgets, corporate expense, and our national deficit.

Fifth, we must put an end to the “dumbing down” of our people. We must provide taxpayer paid public education Pre K through college for all citizens—college for those who desire and/or qualify for such and vocational training for those who don’t attend college—high school graduation, and vocational training being mandated minimums for everyone (the college graduates excluded), the mentally and/or physically disabled excepted.

Of course, there is more that must be accomplished—these are just the basics; but I must make note of something else. We are no longer an agricultural country of thirteen colonies in the “woods”. Yes, we want and need to be a free people. But let us not forget. Your freedom ends where mine begins and visa versa. It is that very reason that causes us to need bigger government, albeit as little as possible. The bigger we grow and more complicated our world around us becomes the larger government we need. To those who think “Big Government to be inefficient and unworkable, let me remind you that there are huge corporations “out there” all around us who compete in size with our government, and they are very efficient. There are only two reasons they are able to operate more efficiently than government, the intrusion of politics and the qualifications, abilities, and rates of pay to the people they hire. If we want a more efficient government, I suggest we discontinue or minimize the extent of our political intrusion. Where we need markets, let us have them; but when we need government, let us have government. There is plenty room for both. What we don’t need is the hate, greed, avarice, dishonesty, and corruption that envelopes us.

Get with the program, Democrats—Go Bernie, the Revolutionary. And, to you Republicans: after Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton (Yes, he’s a Republican too—in disguise as a Democrat), George W. Bush, and (last and the worse president of all), Donald Trump, you should be ashamed of what you have done to this country over these past many years and the condition in which we find ourselves today.

These are my views. For all our good and the long run good of our great country, I sincerely believe they should be yours. Whatever you choose to believe register to vote and go to the polls in November. At the very least, by doing so, you will help to unite us to one degree or another. May the will of the majority prevail.

Ronald Miller

Monday, July 9, 2018

Abortion and Our Constitution

In the 228 years since the year of our first census in 1790, one year after the advent of our Constitution, the United States has ballooned from thirteen sovereign states under one flag with a population of 3,929,214 people to the greatest, most prosperous empire in the history of civilization, the leader of the free world, with a population of 326,766,748. Born in an era of complete self reliance when we raised or hunted our own meat, grew our own food, built our own houses, and provided for our own security, we have progressed to a nation of agriculture and through the industrial revolution to the ongoing technological revolution of today. Wherein it used to take weeks or even months to send a letter, today we can send a message around the world in seconds. In the complexity of today’s world we are most often reliant on the productivity and aid of others. We live in an age of rapid change and dependence upon others. Self reliance is almost obsolete, if not impossible. Yet, we strain to live with on outmoded Constitution, often wasting millions, if not billions of dollars in the process; and, arguably, our governance is stressed to the breaking point. Our Constitution must be amended.

Presently, our nation is divided—the most divided, in my view, since our Civil War (some might argue our division in the ‘60s). Our population of 326.8 million, each and everyone, has a different opinion about almost everything. Even in the beginning of our great nation, our forefathers didn’t dare lay the design of our Constitution on the table for all to design. They designed it behind closed doors and presented it to the people when they were done. Accordingly, I believe we should amend our Constitution one amendment at a time.

This having been said, in light of the impending renewal of the argument on abortion anticipated by the replacement of Supreme Court Justice, Anthony Kennedy, I believe we should begin with amending our Constitution to incorporate a provision for abortion. And, to minimize argument and expense, I believe we should do it a special way. I believe, at election time, we should initiate a national referendum of the people, outlining provisions of the amendment. Once the people have spoken, and if approved, the amendment should be presented, as outlined in our Constitution, to the states and to the Congress for approval and implementation, finally putting this issue “to sleep” once and for all. Hopefully, this can be accomplished in a relatively short period of time as opposed to the months and, sometimes, years such effort normally takes.

This is my view, what is yours?
Ronald Miller

Friday, July 6, 2018

The Essence of Christianity

The very essence of Christianity is defined by Jesus Christ in the book of Mark, 12:29-31(NIV) wherein, Jesus, in response to a question as to which is the greatest commandment, says, “29The most important one…is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ 31The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”

In 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 (NIV), Paul tells us, “1If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing”. 

Lastly, but certainly not least, in the book of Matthew 6:24 (NIV) we are told by Jesus; “24No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money (in some versions, money is translated as Mammon).

My mother used to say, “Do as you say, not as you do”, or, “Practice what you preach”, a commendable goal to be sure. Also, Paul tells us in Romans 3:23-24: 23”For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24and all are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Jesus Christ”. 

It is my firm belief, therefore, that these teachings: our love of God, our love of our neighbor, and our love and belief in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the very essence of Christianity.

For those of us who call ourselves Christians, where in Heaven’s name is there room in our lives for hate, greed, and corruption? Where is there room for lying, cheating, stealing, or any other fraud and deception? Where is there room for such widespread poverty in this world when approximately 40% of our food production in this country is thrown away? Why should 1% of the people in our nation command almost all of our nation’s income when the majority of us live near or below the poverty line? Why, also, do we constantly engage in wars with one another rather than seek peace and harmony? We have been in and out of war constantly for the past 100 years.

Let us probe this subject from another angle. From where does the thesis, “Survival of the Fittest and Let the Devil Take the Hindmost come? From where do we get the idea that bailing out corporations is OK but helping the underprivileged isn’t? Why is the utilization of slave labor abroad all right and livable wages at home a no no? 

In our hearts, we all know right from wrong. Even if we are unbelieving Atheists, we cannot deny the universal wisdom and teachings of Christianity and the love and sharing it commands. Jesus said, “24If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. 25If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand” (Mark 3: 24-25). Why can’t we get together? Wasn’t it Rodney King, who in May of 1992 asked the question, “….can we all get along? Can we get along?” Some of us claim to be Republicans. Others claim to be Democrats. Why can’t we get together and be Americans? United we stand. Divided we fall. It is our choice.

These are my views. What’s yours?

In the meantime,
This is Ronald Miller

Sunday, July 1, 2018

The Division of Our People

Arguably, the biggest threat to our representative democratic republic today is the division of our people—the primary challenge to our leaders and to anyone whom we elect as our president. Our nation cannot survive as we know it, with a divided people. You’ve heard it before, “United We Stand, Divided We Fall”. The unification of our people, the unification of our country, must be the first priority on the agenda of anyone (everybody) elected to public office today. It is imperative, the vast inroads of our representative governance of the people by the Corporatocracy and Power Elite (our second priority) notwithstanding. 

In my mind, our nation hasn’t been this divided since the American Civil War from 1861 to 1865. I submit to you that the primary contributor to this division of our people is their biased and myopic thinking, the subject of my following discussion. There must be some reason why two people can look at the same facts and view them so differently.

Let’s begin with the definition of the word “bias” as defined by The New Oxford American Dictionary, copyrighted in 2005 by the Oxford University Press, Inc., eBook Copyright, 2008: 

Bias is defined as prejudice in favor of or against any one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair. The word prejudice is defined as a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or experience, i.e. dislike, hostility, or unjust behaviour formed on such a basis (the key word here is ‘preconceived’). Preconceived is defined as an idea or opinion) formed before having the evidence for its truth or usefulness.

Now, let’s define myopic or myopia:

Myopic or myopia is defined as short-sighted, lacking foresight or intellectual insight. An example might be: the government still has a myopic attitude to public spending. Some folks call this condition of the mind, “narrow minded”. 

Everyone has their biases. Everyone has their preferences, as do I. We are that way from the day we are born, and they increase daily with our experiences, feelings, and consequential learning. They are buried in our subconscious. They are reflected in our reflexes. But they are not always accurate. In fact, I suspect they are not accurate most of the time because we don’t always have the facts. You have heard it before: “My father was a Whig; my mother was a Whig; by gum and by golly, I’m going to be a Whig” (or something like that). Let’s face it. That’s just the way we are, but we don’t have to be that way. We can change. We must! We must learn to base our thinking on facts—not unconfirmed opinions and feelings! If we can learn to do that, we will not only greatly enhance the quality of our judgments, but also, our living. 

Why do we often not know the facts, the lack of which knowledge exacerbates our bias and prejudices toward the issues we face daily, and what can we do about the problem? One significant contributor to this problem is our nature. Most, if not all, of us are mentally lazy. Don’t get mad. We are all that way to one degree or another. It’s just the way we are, some of us more than others. I know I am; and, the older I get, the worse I become at this. 

How many times have you heard someone say, “I don’t like to read”—not good. We must keep abreast of current events, i.e. keep up with what is going on. We must search for the truth, the real truth—not just what we want to hear. We must read books and periodicals, view the media, i.e. television, internet, etc; and we must do this with an “open mind”, with full awareness of our biases and prejudices as well as that of those writing and publishing the information we are studying . 

Living in today’s busy world, this is not an easy task, but we must do this to the best of our ability. It is our duty and responsibility as a citizen of the sovereign representative democracy in which we live. Figuratively, there is an Adolph Hitler behind every door. If you don’t want your democracy, he will be only too happy to take it from you. Democracy is like leaving a purse in a shopping cart in the supermarket. If you don’t “keep an eye on it” someone is going to steal it from you. This is not only a fact, it is happening to us every day. Here we are again, back to the subject of the Shadow Government of the Corporatocracy and Power Elite. Either we the people are going to govern this nation or they are. 

To this end, I submit to you that the first step to unite us lies in the hands of our leaders—real leadership, leadership which unites us rather than separates. If we don’t get back together, we will surely fail as a people and as a nation.

These are my views. What’s yours?

In the meantime,
This is Ronald Miller

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