
Wednesday, December 6, 2017


December 6, 2017

Senator Bill Nelson
716 Senate Hart Office Bldg.
Washington, D.C. 20510

Subject: Resignation of Senator Al Franken
               For alleged sexual harassment

Dear Senator Nelson:

It is my prayer, that you are extremely busy in these times notwithstanding, read this letter and sincerely consider what I am saying. I will be as brief as possible.

Not only is sexual attraction for those of the opposite sex part and parcel to our very being, but also, sexual aggression has been the norm from our very beginning and, for better or worse, good and bad, practiced throughout history. Accordingly, seduction, and harassment has been a part of our everyday lives and, in most instances short of violence, accepted—even when found distasteful. I believe seduction is proper; harassment is wrong — especially in a work environment under the threat of one’s employment — and should be stopped. There must be enforced rules — something we don’t now have. We might have the rules to some extent, but we don’t have the enforcement, making many of our actions arguably acceptable.

Secondly, inasmuch as, these practices have been going on for such a long time, I find it questionable that all these objections are coming to the forefront at this particular time. I believe they are being brought to the table just now for political reasons, i.e. political distractions, if you will; and this is not the time to shake up our political makeup in the Congress. These issues are of the utmost importance, and we must take action to put them to an end; but, right now, our nation is facing much more critical issues. I sincerely believe the very sovereignty of our democratic republic is at stake.
Just now, we should ask no one to resign. Rather we should lay down strict rules for the future, not only for those employed by our government, but for our nation as a whole and enforce them. As to Senator Franken and others with his predicament, we should let the voters and present law resolve the past. Our government is under enough stress. Our Congress doesn’t need this.

Your support will be sincerely appreciated.

Ronald Miller

Copies to: Representative Ted Yoho
                 My Blog:

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