
Monday, December 25, 2017

Look You

Look you. For just a minute, I ask you to think about something. You can readily see all the disruption, discontent, want, suffering, and unhappiness all around us, with people, with nations, and with the world for that matter. You don’t have to be told. You know things aren’t right. Why? For just a moment, look beyond what you see, what you hear, and even how you think you feel. The late French economist, thinker, and artist, Frederic Bastiat told us that there is that which is seen, and that which is not seen. Looking for that which is not seen, cast aside from your mind for just a moment all the clutter and garbage that is fed to us on a daily basis and ask yourself a question. What on earth is behind all of this that is not seen that is causing all of this? What is really going on?

Allow me to suggest an answer to all this misery. That answer is the struggle for power and dominance, the basic answer to everything. The greatest, yet the most basic struggle is between God and Satan. Before you cast that aside so brusquely, please, just consider it. We all know who is going to win in the end, but that struggle is happening all around us each and every day. 

Now, let us bring this discussion down to earth where we can really relate. For the past approximately two and a half centuries of our nation’s existence, our people have been suffering between the pull of two forces—capitalism, the interests of the rich and the privileged, and the interests of the people, God’s creation, put here by God to “dress, till, and keep”, i.e. rule, a very long time before capitalism was ever given a thought. Before you cast that aside, too, recall to your mind what we were told by Jesus, God’s Son, that man cannot worship God and mammon, i.e. money, that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. In that light, I say to you, this earth exists for man—all of us—not just the rich and privileged. To this end, you also know that business exists to serve the wants and needs of man—not the other way around, to rule over man.

Therefore, as you listen to your television, read in your newspapers, glean from your computers, and, also, relate with your friends and neighbors, behind all the information you “take in”, are the influence, propaganda, and mind control resulting from this struggle for power. In your study of history, you can see it in the Republican Party from the beginning of the industrial revolution in the mid 1800s to the present, and in the Democratic Party pretty much from the “seventies” to the present, neither of whom have really served the people that well until people like Senators Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, etc. came to the fore.

So, therefore, if we really want to “get on the road” with solving our problems in this great nation, I suggest we must first determine which way we want to go, i.e. direction, and “get it done”, rather than continue to follow the messy and expensive direction we are now doing. That decision should be made by the people. Perhaps we need a new party, do you think? I do know this for certain. Our country is going to continue to “go downhill” until our people wake up, get involved, and address this question.

Moving a step further in this discussion, there are those who say our country is not a democracy. It is a republic. They are mistaken. Our nation is a democratic republic. It is true that, in our beginning, our democracy was weak. Our senators were elected by representatives in the Houses of Representatives rather than directly by the people as we now do. Also, women couldn’t vote in those days, and neither could blacks, who were treated like machines with no regard for their humanity. They were property to be bought, sold, traded, and even killed at will. If our founders had been able to have their way in our beginning, only the wealth and property owners would have had the right to vote. Our democracy has come a long way baby (as they say), and could come even further if our people would only get off their duffs and take back our country from the corporations and very rich, i.e. the Corporatocracy and Power Elite—the very rich, the, well, you know who; or, what is it they say? You Know.

Only if the people, our people, take charge can we take back our country—not with guns, but at the voting booths across the nation, in demonstrations, and with pressure on our representatives in the “House” and senators in the “Senate”. Do we remember the “sixties”? It worked then. Even our president then decided not to run for a second term. Also, it would be one big help if people would read more and be better informed so as to really know what they are talking about. I say again, “Look you”.

In the meantime, this is Ronald Miller,

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The News Media is Thriving These Days, But…

The news media is thriving these days, alive and well with its many commercials, political propaganda, gossip, sports, and, relatively speaking, minor news events—and, oh yes, commercials. From our very beginning, “Freedom of the Press” has been a major contribution to the safety, welfare, and protection of the people from the errors and sins of government, but real in-depth reporting is slowly disappearing from the scene. Daily news events are reported over and over, sometimes for days, while other important subjects are overlooked. We are majoring in minors and minoring in majors.

For example, where, today, are the pros and cons of single payer healthcare being discussed? Certainly this subject is being discussed superfluously, but where are the in-depth pro and con discussions? Most of what I hear about the subject is, to the effect, “No need to discuss this as it will never be approved anyway”. Oh well, healthcare is only 17.5 percent of our spending nationally, annually contributing to our national deficit and debt. No problem.

The financial crisis of 2008 was triggered by derivatives, one of those new securities invented to allegedly provide insurance coverage to home mortgage holders, aka fish food for speculators in the financial markets. I don’t really know how many dollars worth of these securities were in circulation in 2008. I have heard numbers like $400 Trillion. I have also heard numbers amounting to $900 Trillion. What are the numbers now, and when is our illustrious media going to reveal them to the people. The last time I heard anything in the mass media about the derivative risk was an article by Peter Cohan, AOL.COM, Big Risk: $1.2 Quadrillion Derivatives Market Dwarfs World GDP. Folks! Do you know how much money $1.2 Quadrillion is? Let me tell you. It is $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.00 or 1,000 times $1 Trillion. My gosh, folks, the world’s annual gross domestic product is only $50 to $60 trillion, and this article was written June 9, 2010—over six years ago. Oh well, that wasn’t important either. The public wouldn’t understand anyway.

Let’s really get basic. It’s common knowledge that education in government, and civics has been lacking in our school systems in recent years. Yet our government from the president on down and the news media, when they address the people, they refer to members of the House of Representatives as Congressmen (or women). They are not Congressmen. Their titles are Representatives. If they are a Congressman, so also is a Senator by gum and by golly. Congress is the name given to our national legislature, a bicameral body made up of the House of Representatives, the lower house, and the Senate, the upper house. To be a Congressman, one would have to be both a Representative and a Senator at the same time. Duh… By the way, do you want to know why we have two houses? In short, the answer is the lower house, the House of Representatives represent the majority of the people, the masses who elect them. There are 435 members. The Senate, the upper house, represents the minority elite among us, in theory at least. There are 100 of them. I say elite. In our nation’s beginning, Senators were elected by the House of Representatives. Only later in the course of our history were they elected by the people as they now are. For further information:

To close for now, our news media exists for the purpose of serving our people. They have to earn income to pay their bills, i.e. salaries, insurance, rent, and return on investments to their investors, but their main purpose, their only purpose which, in the end, justifies their very existence is to serve the people with news which is the truth; and, in my view, they could do a much better job.

This is my view. What’s yours?

In the meantime, this Ronald Miller,

Wednesday, December 6, 2017


December 6, 2017

Senator Bill Nelson
716 Senate Hart Office Bldg.
Washington, D.C. 20510

Subject: Resignation of Senator Al Franken
               For alleged sexual harassment

Dear Senator Nelson:

It is my prayer, that you are extremely busy in these times notwithstanding, read this letter and sincerely consider what I am saying. I will be as brief as possible.

Not only is sexual attraction for those of the opposite sex part and parcel to our very being, but also, sexual aggression has been the norm from our very beginning and, for better or worse, good and bad, practiced throughout history. Accordingly, seduction, and harassment has been a part of our everyday lives and, in most instances short of violence, accepted—even when found distasteful. I believe seduction is proper; harassment is wrong — especially in a work environment under the threat of one’s employment — and should be stopped. There must be enforced rules — something we don’t now have. We might have the rules to some extent, but we don’t have the enforcement, making many of our actions arguably acceptable.

Secondly, inasmuch as, these practices have been going on for such a long time, I find it questionable that all these objections are coming to the forefront at this particular time. I believe they are being brought to the table just now for political reasons, i.e. political distractions, if you will; and this is not the time to shake up our political makeup in the Congress. These issues are of the utmost importance, and we must take action to put them to an end; but, right now, our nation is facing much more critical issues. I sincerely believe the very sovereignty of our democratic republic is at stake.
Just now, we should ask no one to resign. Rather we should lay down strict rules for the future, not only for those employed by our government, but for our nation as a whole and enforce them. As to Senator Franken and others with his predicament, we should let the voters and present law resolve the past. Our government is under enough stress. Our Congress doesn’t need this.

Your support will be sincerely appreciated.

Ronald Miller

Copies to: Representative Ted Yoho
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