Elections 2016
What the ostensibly in charge
political parties or the media may have you think notwithstanding, the oncoming
presidential elections of November, 2016 are Republican vs. Democrats in name
only. Ignore what I am telling you at your own peril and that of the democracy
in which you are privileged to live. This election will be a contest to
determine whether our great nation will be a democratic republic controlled by we
the people of the United States of America or an oligarchy of the Corporatocracy and Power Elite of the
Western World, consisting of the very largest corporations and the very rich
and powerful—Democracy vs. Serfdom.
This has been coming on ever so
slowly over the past thirty-five years or so, slowly eroding our programs for
the people begun in the thirties and progressing to the state of affairs in
which we now find ourselves today, i.e. outsourcing of jobs, millions
unemployed, homeless and sleeping in cars and on the streets, failing schools—must
I go on? The American dream and equal opportunity are literally sifting through
our fingers. Our leaders have turned Corporatists.
They follow the money. They serve their own interests. Just a few remain who
truly have the interests of the people, “us”, at heart.
This threat to the very sovereignty of our nation is the greatest issue facing our nation today. We must take money out of our politics completely, revise our voting and election laws, and amend our Constitution accordingly. Social Security and Medicare for everyone and appropriate safety nets for those in economic difficulty must be the order of the day in conjunction with requisite tax reform. The problems of inequality in income and wealth must be resolved as well along with comprehensive reform in our banking systems. Everyone must pay taxes fairly in accordance with their ability to pay. Corporate welfare and loopholes must be eliminated. Corporations must serve and produce for the people—not rule the people. This nation belongs to we the people—all of us—not just the rich and powerful.
This threat to the very sovereignty of our nation is the greatest issue facing our nation today. We must take money out of our politics completely, revise our voting and election laws, and amend our Constitution accordingly. Social Security and Medicare for everyone and appropriate safety nets for those in economic difficulty must be the order of the day in conjunction with requisite tax reform. The problems of inequality in income and wealth must be resolved as well along with comprehensive reform in our banking systems. Everyone must pay taxes fairly in accordance with their ability to pay. Corporate welfare and loopholes must be eliminated. Corporations must serve and produce for the people—not rule the people. This nation belongs to we the people—all of us—not just the rich and powerful.
This must change and you, the
people, must change it with your vote in 2016.
In the mean time, this is Ronald
Miller, www.sageobserver.blogspot.com,
signing off. Email me at mtss86@comcast.net.