
Saturday, February 28, 2015

Open Letter To The President of the United States of America
Resettlement of Syrian Refugees To The United States of America

Dear Mr. President:

It is reported that “an estimated 7 million Syrians are seeking refugee status” in the United States, and that “500 have reportedly already been allowed in”. With all due respect, sir, this is a serious mistake political and otherwise. I urge you to please put an immediate end to this before it is too late.

Not only is this a serious threat to our national security at this particular point in time (I am sure you know this better than I—you, reportedly, are briefed daily), but also, it is a serious threat to the political stability of our democracy. As rough and tumble as the life of our great country has been over the past many years since its birth, never in my lifetime (and that’s a very long time) have we, as a people, been in such a polarized and politically threatened condition. The Ferguson incident in and of itself should be evidence enough of what I am saying.

In addition, given the loss of thousands of American lives in Iraq and Afghanistan, a national debt of $18 Trillion dollars, including $3 Trillion dollars in expense of those wars (Ref: The Three Trillion Dollar War by Joseph E. Stiglitz and Linda J. Bilmes), our experience with Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda, and now ISIS (or ISIL, if you will), I, in all honesty, believe the American people are downright sick and tire of Muslims. To this, I am compelled to ask the question or make the statement—whichever; where have the Muslims in this country been while all this has been going on; or, if they’re the “good guys” while these others are the “bad guys” as you have been saying, why have these “good guys” not joined with us in protests against these “bad guys”?

Mr. President, with all due respect, I believe we should secure racial and political stability within our own country before we take on an even bigger load. On channel 4, on my television yesterday morning, I was told that one in six in our nation today don’t know where their next meal is coming from. We hear every day about the growing inequality in income and wealth among us. Also, we hear about the decrease in equal opportunity. This is not the time to “pinch the pimple” and increase our pain within even more. Trust me; I am not an isolationist; I am not a Republican; and, that I supported you in the last two presidential elections notwithstanding, I am not a Democrat. I am an American. Our nation is in dire straits, economically, politically, and spiritually. I ask that you do everything in your power to lead us out from under the yoke and oppression of the oligarchy of the Corporatocracy and Power Elite that now rules over us indirectly through their lobbyists, campaign contributions, revolving door policies, corruption, and graft—ever increasing our poverty and stealing our democracy from us. In the final analysis, we need (as was said by Abraham Lincoln at Gettysburg) a government “of the people, by the people, and for the people”.

Thank you,


Ronald Miller

Email me at

Forwarded to:
          President Barack Obama
          Senator William Nelson of Florida
          Representative Ted Yoho of Florida

 (My Blog)

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