Mr. De Blasio, Mayor of New York City, in discussing
the ongoing immigrant problems on our southern border, strongly objected to our
Federal Government’s withholding of information as to the separation of
children from their families and the relocation of the children. I submit to
you that the government does not and should not have the right to withhold any
information from the American people for any reason other than national
security. I believe the first amendment to our Constitution guarantees that. That
is my first point.
Second, I believe that, for political reasons only,
much information classified as “confidential” under “national security” is
falsely overstated in order to keep it secret from the public. In other words,
there is much information classified as “national security” info that is not
really related to bona fide “national security”. It is public information the
public should have but is withheld from them for political reasons only. I
submit to you, we need a “housecleaning” of all classified information and
release to the public of that which does not actually pertain to “national
security”. Our Congress should order this to be done now.
I suspect the withholding of information for political
purposes has always been the practice of government to some extent more or
less, but, the major influx of this practice begun during the G. W. Bush
administration under the umbrella of the Near East wars and has continued
through the present. If I’m mistaken, give me the facts; I will listen; but, in
any event, any and all information that pertains to and affects governance of
our people other than national security should be made available to “we the
people”. How can a people, even in a representative democracy, exercise their
responsibility of governance?
Tom Hanks, one of my favorite actors, sitting on a
park bench playing the part of Forrest Gumph in the movie of the same name,
said, “Stupid Is, Stupid Does”, a statement so true it will resound throughout
history. For the past thirty-five or forty years, we the people have been
living with our heads in the political clouds. We have been playing the game of
baseball on a football field with our baseball suits on. The real game is no
longer where we think it is, i.e. Republicans vs. Democrats. Since their
inception, the Republican Party have represented the interests of big business
and the very rich—The Corporatocracy and
Power Elite.
Unfortunately, in recent years, it has become
increasingly apparent that the Democratic Party, previously the proclaimed
party of the people, has, also, sold its soul to The Corporatocracy and Power Elite. The “party of the people”
exists in name only when it becomes politically viable to do so. Through their
lobbyists, campaign financing, control over our Supreme Court and Congress, electoral
manipulations, and secrecy, The
Corporatocracy and Power Elite rules over us lock, stock, and barrel via
their shadow government. Appearances notwithstanding, in reality, we have
become a one party system, an Oligarchy
if you will. Today, it is an Oligarchy
ruling our great nation. Tomorrow, if, in the meantime, we don’t destroy
ourselves in a nuclear holocaust, it will be an Oligarchy ruling the world.
Thinking in the context of our grandchildren and the
generations to come after us, many of us care. On the other hand, many of us do
not. In either event, in the long run, none of us will be here. What the hell?
Right? It won’t matter anyway.
In the meantime,
This is Ronald