
Thursday, September 22, 2016

Where Are We Going?

I haven’t made an entry into this blog for quite some time, but I can remain silent no longer. I am sick and tired of this political campaign and the multiplicity of lies, misinformation, and downright B… S… proffered to the public on a daily basis. Let me begin this with some facts that, hopefully, will help to put some current conditions in perspective.

First, our country, The United States of America, is the greatest, most powerful, and most prosperous country in the history of civilization. There is none and never has been any greater—even the Roman Empire; and, for the time being, there are, arguably, none on the horizon—so much for “Let’s make America great again”. Throw away that hat, Donald.

Second, the United States of America constitutes approximately five percent of the world’s population, and consumes twenty-five percent of the world’s production. Our economy and standard of living is the highest in the world. That’s a fact. Current issues notwithstanding, our nation is blessed. Even our poor are more prosperous than most of the poor elsewhere in the world. Therefore, as we open our economy to the rest of the world through “globalization”, their standard of living will increase and ours will decrease. There is just not enough to go around otherwise. An economy is like water, and water always seeks its own level. We can increase productivity in the short run; but, ultimately, our natural resources will be depleted that much sooner. We can picture this in our minds by envisaging our economy as a glass of water set on a table connected to another glass of water by a control valve. The one glass (our economy) contains a higher level of water than the second (the rest of the world); but, when the valve is opened even slightly, the level in the first glass will lower as that in the second glass rises.

Third, no further back than recent history, it took weeks just to cross the ocean(s), they can now be crossed in hours; and, whereas it took a month or more, depending, to send a message or a letter, it can now be done in seconds. We do it every day. But so what, you ask? The “so what” of it is the rest of the world is catching up to us; and they want to share in our prosperity, power, prestige—our standard of living, i.e. our piece of the pie; and they are going to insist upon it.

In conclusion, we must at some point in time help the other nations of the world increase their standard of living and share with us in the prosperity of the world. It is only right; but this must be accomplished slowly and planned so as not to disrupt our economy in the process as is being done presently or giving up our democracy as in the case of the TPP. What is presently happening to the American people is unconscionable. I cannot believe the audacity of the corporatists and power elite as they steadfastly rape and seduce the common people in our country in their pursuit of excess profits, power, and prestige right in front of our eyes with no care for anyone other than themselves. Their avarice is exceeded only by their corruption. The free market theory behind which they hide no longer exists, having long since been reduced to the chalk board of a college classroom. Change in our great nation, in the world for that matter, is too much, too fast. I’ll admit such change is inevitable, but our leaders need to control it—to plan, to prepare, to minimize the pain of our people through improved education, training, and safety nets, cradle to grave.

In the mean time, this is Ronald Miller,  signing off. Email me at