
Thursday, March 10, 2016

The Future of Our Nation

It is reputed that statistical analysis indicates that our people are divided approximately 50/50 as to the direction our nation should go in our future; and it seems that every other year or so we change from one way to the other and back again. Perhaps, but, what we think notwithstanding, we are where we are; and where we are is not good. Our country is in one hell of a mess, politically as well as economically; and I don’t think there are many who will argue with that. The question is what to do about it. What’s the problem? What are we going to do about it? When?

The people of this nation seem to think the political contest in which we are now engaged is between the Republicans and the Democrats. Ostensibly, this is true. In reality, it is not—absolutely not. Most of what one sees in this contest is superfluous. This election is a contest for the sovereignty of America. This election is just another step, in the takeover of our country by an Oligarchy of the Corporatocracy and Power Elite, now operating as a Shadow Government controlling our elected officials through paid lobbyists, campaign contributions, and political coercion.

Who are these people? They are the huge transnational corporations, Wall Street, the banking industry, the think tanks, and super rich, the 0.1% who are “milking dry” the middle-class and poor in this country. Are you aware that, as this is being written, key leaders of the Democratic Party—including the president—are getting on board with the Republicans, despite the massive growth in inequality in income and wealth in our country, to negotiate the size and terms of post-facto tax “forgiveness” for America’s globalized companies to the tune of $400 billion? (Reported by William Greider in “The Nation”—Also, check out Are you aware of the agreements in various trade treaties  such as NAFTA, the TPP, and others that allow corporations to sue our government and others within the country for violations of the agreement in secret international courts and collect damages even if there is conflict with our law? In almost all the arguments you hear about these treaties, they don’t mention this which is in direct conflict with our national sovereignty. These are just a couple examples of what is going on.

The “takeover” of our nation, a nation of the people, by the people, and for the people has been happening right before our eyes like a slow growing cancer, a cancer that was put in remission under President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the 1940s and recurred in 1981 under the administration of President Ronald Reagan. Now, however, it is no longer slow growing. Now, it’s in the “fourth stage”.

The Republican Party has represented the interests of “Big Business”, the Corporatocracy, and the interests of money since the Industrial Revolution in the 1800’s. It has been supported by them and, also, those who aspire to be wealthy and powerful ever since. Most informed people know that. But, in very recent times, it has invaded the Democratic Party, supposedly the party of the people, with a vengeance. Today, the Democratic Party is a party of the people in name only. In general, the interests of the people, the middleclass, the underclass, i.e. basically the 90%, are ignored. How else could our standard of living deplete so much in the last thirty-five years?

So, this is where we are. You may have to shake your head a bit in order to rid yourself of the cobwebs of older perceptions accumulated over the years because there have been significant changes in our great nation. You may not believe what I have said. Maybe you don’t want to believe me, but if you will evaluate our present political and economic condition in light of current events that you see all around you, you will see the truth. These times are no light matter. They are critical. They are worth your time to study and contemplate. Silly ideological theories aren’t worth much to you when you are out of a job and your kids are hungry or you are on the verge of losing your home. Neither are old rules of the game such as how grandma and grandpa voted. You’ve heard it before.

I ask you to do this. Think slow and hard before you vote. If you have already made up your mind, reconsider—just in case you may have missed something. I submit to you that the Corporatocracy and Power Elite, that Shadow Government which has been governing you, that has run up your debt, put you through useless wars in order to fill the pockets of their military industrial complex, made the very rich very much richer, and bankrupted you through lost jobs, student loans, lost homes, and other deprivation, does not have your interest at heart. Especially through these past years, the Republican Party has shown its inability to govern. You can surely see that. They even shut down your government at a cost to the taxpayers of $25 billion, accomplishing absolutely nothing. They don’t represent the interests of the common working man. Neither do those in the Democratic Party who represent only the Corporatocracy and Power Elite with their representative, Hillary Clinton.

Then who is left? Who is left is Senator Bernie Sanders and those who will support his best efforts. I submit to you that Bernie Sanders is the only viable candidate with compassion for the people within his heart. Watch him. Listen to him. He’s not trying to get rich or achieve royalty. He wants to serve you. Look at his competition. When her husband left office in 2000 she said she was broke. Now, she is part of the upper 0.1% (Ref: the book, “Clinton Cash”, by Peter Schweizer). When the “rubber meets the road”, when “the chips are down” and her back is against the wall, do you think Hillary Clinton will represent you or herself? If you need further information on that question, I suggest you Google Chelsea Clinton.

Bernie Sanders is our man. He will do his very best to represent you and me rather than the special interests represented by others. I ask that you vote for him.

In the mean time, this is Ronald Miller, signing off. Email me at

Friday, March 4, 2016

Just No Class

‘You know? I watched the Republican debates last night. Here we are, in the middle of a series of job interviews (and, mind you, that’s what these debates are) seeking a candidate to fill what is probably one of the highest and most important executive positions in the world, that of President of the United States of America, and the interviews are little more than a spectacle. Saturday Night Live couldn’t have been more ridiculous. The problem is (and it is a critically serious problem—of that you can be sure), it ain’t funny. Our very lives, the future of our nation, depend on our success in making the right decision in this matter—choosing the right person for this job. And what happens? The whole event was little more than a circus—an absolute spectacle—an unmitigated joke—just no class. Ladies and gentlemen, I submit to you: You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. Jesus said, “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces” (Matthew 7:6). If we want to be a leader in the world community, we must have the respect of those whom we expect to lead. A real leader, a successful leader, is one whom others follow because they want to follow—not because they are driven.

In the mean time, this is Ronald Miller, signing off. Email me at